
  • Khemika Thongrueang


Nowadays, executives give more importance to the office work and accept that office work is important on the growth of the organization as the one of brain parts of the organization. If each organization has a good and easy office system
plan to control, it is a successful organization of operations. The modern administration tries to find the best way to use in the office work. But the office work has the nature of work to be involved in various tasks in the organization. The Therefore, the office administrators must be knowledgeable, competent, experienced and able to administer the office, and control various activities of the office to achieve goals. Executives should be aware of the importance of leadership
in the modern office administration for improving the office work more effectively. The article on leadership of modern office administration describes; (1) the leadership role in administration, (2) the objectives of the office work, (3) the
importance of the office work, (4) the goal of the office work, (5) the administraton of the office work, and (6) guidelines of the modern office administration. style of office is always changing. The office is an important unit in an organization.


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How to Cite

Thongrueang, K. . (2020). LEADERSHIP FOR MODERN OFFICE ADMINISTRATION. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 659–672. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/243663