Labor Quality, Vocational Education, Economy Thailand 4.0Abstract
This article is intended to synthesize the problem condition. The structure of labor requirements and guidelines in the development of quality vocational labour dissimilar economic situation of force 4.0 Thailand-land Thailand country nowadays. The role of vocational education development Labor and vocational training in research, in order to comply with the economic development of Thailand labor and vocational education by 4.0 land considered as a mechanism to propel economic growth in the industrial sector of the country Thailand. According to the national strategic framework, 20-year plan of the national economic and social development, Vol 12, to determine the direction of development and the empowerment of human resources to become a country of Thailand. 4.0 4.0 Thailand-country policies with production are aspects of vocational education. Therefore, the Development of quality vocational labour, therefore, is necessary to properly plan and development goals. By having the private sector cooperation. Institute for education and research by the rush of the leading privatesector format. The State and the private sector are according to plan, in the context of social change and phaphonakhot affecting Thailand, education, vocational training, including skills development and labour that meets the needs of the market. To support the development of the country.
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