The Management of the Five Precepts Observing Village Project for Build Up Co-existence the Culture of Living Together of Community Prototype in Lower Northern Region


  • พระครูวินัยธรเอนก เตชวโร (ใยอินทร์)
  • สุรพล สุยะพรหม
  • พระครูสังฆรักษ์เกียรติศักดิ์ กิตฺติปญฺโญ


Administration, 5 Precepts Village Project


The objective of thi re earch were : 1. To tudy the mana ement of the five precept ob ervin villa e project for build up co-exi tence the culture of livin to ether of community prototype in lower northern re ion, 2. to find out the tandard of co-exi tence the culture of livin to ether of community prototype in lower northern re ion, and 3. to pre ent the model of co-exi tence the culture of livin to ether of community prototype in lower northern re ion. Thi re earch wa quanlitative re earch by data collection from document and related re earch work throu h documentary re earch method and collectin the data by in-depth interview from 27 key informant . The area of thi re earch are Nakhonchum community in ampaen phet province, Non buatai community in Tak province, Wat Non phayorm community in Phit anulok province. The tool to u e the re earch a the tructured interview by u in the data for content analy i and data ynthe i for le on interpretation proce and find out the form of co-livin by the project mana ement of five precept villa e to build livin culture in community model in lower northern re ion a the tool to promote the compromi e accordin to co-livin culture creation proce and focu roup di cu ion from 10 expert for confirm the perfect data. 

The findings of this study are as follows:-
1. The factor had the effect to the project mana ement of five precept villa e to build livin culture in community model accordin to the POSDCoRB theory of even factor were the plannin , the or anizin , the taffin , the directin , co-operatin , the reportin , the upportin and bud et, found that the findin of ucce in the community model that the main cau e came from the eriou ly community movement by havin the San ha or anization i the key factor for the workin movement and havin the public ector to upport, and moreover, to have the villa e and community co-operate due to the tron faith that con i t of villa e, temple and public ector etc.
2. To create the tandard and co-livin culture in overall could have the welfare from the effect to the project mana ement of five precept villa e to build livin culture in community model , found that the creation of the tandard and co-livin culture con i t of 1) leader or leader hip in the community i the tool to pu h the project of five precept villa e project ucce fully that happened due to the confidence and effect on practicability, were both the kin dom and reli ion ector that will determine the uide line to move the project of five precept villa e a the per on that be able the community to chan e. 2) The pirit of community or ideolo y i the faith or belief a the tool to pu h the five precept villa e project ucce fully. If the community lack of pirit or ideolo y and then it will effect on workin inefficiently , and each per on think differently that it can not determine the workin direction and the pirit and ideolo y mu t happen by heart. 3) The participatory activity of community throu h the project of five precept villa e ha many advanta e uch a to make the monk havin more experience in the project mana ement like to contact with San ha or anization and the public ector that make the monk tron and have the project mana ement kill , for example, to have the knowled e to evaluate the ucce of the project. 4) The rule of community that happen from three factor , i the creation of culture to live to ether under the principle of five precept and will be ucce ful that mu t con i t of member in the individual level, family level, and community level, they mo tly re pect the rule and u e the tool to control the community to practice alon with the rule.

3. The model of co-livin culture by u in the principle of five precept villa e in community prototype in lower northern re ion, found that it had two model were : 1) the model of co-livin culture by u in the principle of five precept villa in thee horizontal model that happened throu h workin cooperation of community. 2) The model of co-livin culture by u in the principle of five precept villa e in community model in the vertical model that happened by commandin proce . However, both form had the re pondin to the policy of the project of five precept villa e in the ame direction in the ake of happy ociety.


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How to Cite

พระครูวินัยธรเอนก เตชวโร (ใยอินทร์), สุยะพรหม ส. ., & พระครูสังฆรักษ์เกียรติศักดิ์ กิตฺติปญฺโญ. (2020). The Management of the Five Precepts Observing Village Project for Build Up Co-existence the Culture of Living Together of Community Prototype in Lower Northern Region. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 597–618. retrieved from