Political utility, Be happy the people, EthicAbstract
The objectives of this article were 1. To study concepts of theories about political utility for the peoples’ happiness under the ethics basis.2. To study life development guidelines under ethics basis which had 4 sides. 2.1) Psychological development 2.2) Moral development2.3) Mind development 2.4) Wisdom development 3. To apply the concepts of political utility for the peoples’ happiness under the ethics basis, which had 4 sides. 3.1) Political utility 3.2) Economic utility 3.3) Social utility 3.4) Spiritual utility. All of the above, were models for national administration of government under the ethics basis which mentioned the principles of good governance in management, equality fair and reducing disparity in society including, government leader and politicians at all levels to have good behavior, morality and ethics to meet the highest goals of the nation. That were wel-fed, well-being, and the happiness of the people, both individual, community, society and the nation on the based true value of the principle from utility and received through various quality policies that were proficient, stable, wealthy and endure.
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