
  • พระครูสุนทรจารุวรรณ
  • พระครูสังฆรักษ์เกียรติศักดิ์ กิตฺติปญฺโญ
  • พิเชฐ ทั่งโต


Management Model, Pre-School Child Care Center, At Monasteries


Objectives of this research were 1) To study the general management of the Development Center for Pre-school Children at monasteries in Bangkok. 2) To study Buddhist doctrines and theories related to management and 3) To propose a format of management of the Development Center for Pre-school Children at monasteries in Bangkok. Methodology was the Mixed Methods Research, which includes Qualitative research from in-depth interviews with 18 people analyze data to describe the analysis. Quantitative research by distributing questionnaires to a sample of 184 people, which is the official staff of the Develop Center for Pre-school Children at monasteries in Bangkok. The data analysis used by the statistics are as follows : the number, the percentage, and mean and standard deviation.

Findings were as follows :

1) The general management condition of the Development Center for Preschool Children at monasteries in Bangkok were that Internal and external Management were divided into the four key sections as follows: Academic administration, General management, Administration management, and Human resource management. Each section has its own purpose in the followings: The primary purpose of Academic Administration was development preparation for the
pre-school children in four aspects : physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. General management had aim to achieve major breakthrough in the management of the planning, organization, decision making and control and also fully integration. The Administration management had the primary purpose as to develop organization and full knowledge in documentation management and filing in order to store evidence, searching purpose, keep document as well-organized and categorized by index. The main purpose of Human Resource management was to focus on the development of human resource business process such as recruiting, training, developing, motivating and rewarding staff within the center. External Management of the Development Center for Pre-school Children at monastery in Bangkok depended on the community development and social welfare of each district in Bangkok. Budget was allocated for reducing the burden of family expenses in children preparation and raising kids instead of investing budget into education aspect. Furthermore, budget for management and administration was not sufficient enough so donation from community become another form of fund raising so that the budget would be enough for management

2) Buddhist doctrines and theories related to internal management of the Development Center for Pre-school Children at monasteries in Bangkok were that the main principles which supported the achievement of the administration were as follows: Academic Administration used the principle of Bhavana 4 (Physical, Virtue, Mind and Wisdom development), General Management used principles of Chakkhuma (Conceptual skill and vision), Vimutti (Liberation), Prejudice 4 (Prejudice by love, hatred, delusion and fear), Noble Truths 4 (Dukkha, Samudhaya, Nirodha and Magga), Sangahavatthu 4 (Dana, Piyavaca, Atthacariya and Samanattata), the Administration management applied the principles of Appamatha and Khanti (Mindfulness and Tolerance). Human Resource administration used the principles of consciousness and Bhala 4 (Power of wisdom, diligence, cleanliness and solidarity). All aspects of management were required to apply Buddhist doctrine and integrated fully to achieve their aims which are Itthibatha 4 (Basis for success; Aspiration, Effort, Thoughtfulness and Reasoning). The Integration between Itthibath 4 and the principles of quality cycle (Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, and Compliance-oriented development) and circuit knowledge (Modifications to the exterior, Transition to the Social interaction combining the knowledge) led to acquire the development of executive management of the Development Center for Pre-school Children at monasteries in Bangkok.

3) Management model of the Development Center for Pre-school Children at monasteries in Bangkok was that the four sections have common model is D4SA (Develop Knowledge for Sharing to Assets) which had principle as follows: it was a
model of management principles using Buddhist doctrines to manage with Buddhismintegration way as appropriate in each part. The basis for successful principle was to apply the quality cycle (PDCA) appropriately to the Development Center for Preschool Children at each monasteries for the sustainable development on the basis of knowledge management (knowledge management), to build knowledge network for knowledge sharing among pre-school children development centers in order to gain Knowledge assets which is a core curriculum of Pre-school Children Development Center at monasteries in Bangkok.


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How to Cite

พระครูสุนทรจารุวรรณ, พระครูสังฆรักษ์เกียรติศักดิ์ กิตฺติปญฺโญ, & พิเชฐ ทั่งโต. (2020). THE MANAGEMENT MODEL OF PRE-SCHOOL CHILD CARE CENTER AT MONASTERIES IN BANGKOK AREA. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 555–570. retrieved from