
  • พระสุรวุฒิ สิริวฑฺฒโก (อุกฤษโชค)
  • พระครูสังฆรักษ์เกียรติศักดิ์ กิตฺติปญฺโญ
  • พิเชฐ ทั่งโต


Promoting of Buddhadhamma, Development of Outstanding Community


The objectives of this research were: 1. to study the general characteristics of Outstanding Community in Ratchaburi Province, 2. to study the current state of community development according to Buddhadhamma for development of
outstanding community in Ratchaburi province, and 3. to present a guideline to promoting of Buddhadhamma for development of outstanding community in Ratchaburi province. This research was the qualitative research through the field study from the monks in the area of the outstanding community in Ratchaburi province and the academicians from Buddhism by choosing the specific group of suitable sampling group. For the in-depth interview from 26 key informants was the structured interview as the tool for data collection and focus group discussion for 9 monks/persons by recording the focus group discussion as the tool for data collection and the data analysis used the content analysis technique. The findings of this research as follows:

1. The state of outstanding community in Ratchaburi province found that (1) state of community is the agricultural society, (2) the majority of people believe in Buddhism, (3) the majority of people live on the sufficiency economy of King Rama
9 as the way of living, and (4) the community has the compromise, unity and harmony.

2. The current state of community development according to Buddhadhamma for development of outstanding community in Ratchaburi province found that community development aims to provide people and communities with
better living conditions, considering the 4 community infrastructure: (1) economics (2) social (3) education and (4) sanitation and environment. The community development according Buddhadhamma is the promoting that used the principle of the three common characteristics to be applied in sustainably community development consists of (1) the precept is the creation of cost of living guarantee like asset, family, society and health for the right bodily action, right verbal action (2) the concentration is the mind calmness creation for the efficiency of making the decision, decision making with consideration based on the heedlessness and (3) the wisdom is to have the knowledge as the learning source for knowledge and understanding development and can transfer the knowledge to other people.

3. Guideline to promoting of Buddhadhamma for development of outstanding community in Ratchaburi province found that: 3.1 The economic found that: (1) The precept; to promote the community peoples in every career to have the honesty values that have no corruption, etc. (2) The concentration; to promote to create the concentration while working, etc. (3) The wisdom; to promote the temple to be as the center of career and to use the temple area for career testing, etc. 3.2 The social found that: (1) The precept; to promote together peacefully, etc. (2) The concentration; to promote the mindfulness control without negligence, etc. (3) The wisdom; to promote the temple as peacefully living center, etc. 3.3 The education found that: (1) The precept; to promote the five precepts activities in the schools, etc. (2) The concentration; to promote to teach the concentration creation to children in the education institutes, etc. (3) The wisdom; to set up the learning center in the way of locality at the community temple, etc. 3.4 The sanitation and environment found that: (1) The precept; to promote for no alcohol drinking and narcotics, etc. (2) The concentration; to promote to use the mindfulness in daily life. (3) The wisdom; to promote the sanitary volunteers development of community by using the temple place, etc.


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How to Cite

สิริวฑฺฒโก (อุกฤษโชค) พ., พระครูสังฆรักษ์เกียรติศักดิ์ กิตฺติปญฺโญ, & พิเชฐ ทั่งโต. (2020). THE PROMOTING OF BUDDHADHAMMA FOR DEVELOPMENT OF OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY IN RATCHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 515–526. retrieved from