
  • เจ้าอธิการพิชิตศักดิ์ สุภาจาโร (จีบสันเทียะ)


Community Organization Council, performance, people participation


Objectives of this research were to; 1. Study the present condition of People’s Buddhist Participation in the Performance of the Community Organization Council in Chonburi Province, 2. Study related Concept, theory and Dhamma to
People’s Buddhist Participation in the Performance of the Community Organization Council in Chonburi Province and 3. Propose a model of People’s Buddhist Participation in the Performance of the Community Organization Council in
Chonburi Province. Methodology was the qualitative research method, collecting data from 21 key informants and 12 participants in focus group discussion and analyzing data by descriptive interpretation
Findings were as follows: 

1. The present condition of People’s Buddhist Participation in the Performance of the Community Organization Council in Chonburi Province in decision making; arose from beholding to His Majesty the King’s speech and
sufficiency economy philosophy, the faith in leaders and religious principle. Participation in operation; group organization to set up the community council, set up and drove development plan and problems analysis with systematic problem
solving. Participation in benefit sharing; people had warm and harmonious community, good physical and mental health and economical, social, resource and environmental balance. Participation in evaluation; there were idea sharing and
discussion forum to propose the community development plan to the council to improve the quality of environment and the people’s quality of life. There were survey and community data collecting and record keeping for new community
council organizing and networking community councils to provide better welfares to all families at all levels.

2. Related concept, theory and Dhamma to people’s Buddhist participation in the performance of the community organization council in Chonburi province was related to the people’s participation theory of Cohen, J.M. and
Uphoff, N.T. divided into 4 areas; 1) Participation in decision making, 2) Participation in operation, 3) Participation in benefit sharing and 4)Participation in checking and evaluation and Apparihaniyadhamma 7; 1) Regular meeting, 2) Meeting in harmony,
3) Do not set up new rules as one wished, 4) wise person and elders respect, 5) woman right respect, 6) keep tradition and culture, 7) the righteous persons and persons of morality protection. 3. Models for people’s Buddhist participation in the performance of the community organization council in Chonburi province were of 4 models; 1) model for participation in decision making was that people sacrifice and honest determination to develop society with morality and ethics as the guideline, 2) model for participation in operation; community rules, local wisdom and community common value creation to create the community of the good and righteous people. 3) model for participation in benefit sharing; Dhamma righteous community building for community identity with good and righteous people. 4) model for participation in checking and evaluation; regularly evaluated by people, problem solving by peaceful means and Buddhism inheritor building for the community sustainable, moral and ethical community.


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How to Cite

สุภาจาโร (จีบสันเทียะ) เ. . (2020). PEOPLE’S BUDDHIST PARTICIPATION IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION COUNCIL IN CHONBURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 501–514. retrieved from