
  • Siriratana Sungsuwan Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Development guidelines, Waste Power plant, Stability energy


The objectives of this research article were to study problems regarding establishment of municipal solid waste power plant, to build the potential guidelines for development of municipal solid waste power plant for sustainable energy security. This research had characteristics related to interpretation of phenomena that occurred or Policy makers’ behavior. Therefore it was appropriate to use qualitative research method by collecting data from secondary sources, from various documents, such as academic articles, related research, official document, government policies including non-participatory observation. The results of the research were as follows: 1. The problems and obstacles in construction of municipal solid waste power plant include: (1) waste ownership (2) unacceptance of people in the community (3) lack of confidence in the technology used (4) regulations and procedures were not clear and red tape. (5) private sector lacked confidence to invest in the project (6) unsuitable selection of technology concerning properties and composition of waste (7) problems in relation to the management of procurement and collection of scattered waste and (8) lack of an integrated agency to manage waste throughout the system. 2. The guidelines for the development of municipal solid waste power plant for sustainable energy security were to use appropriate technology for small-scale power generation at the community level with a capacity of not more than 1 MW so that the community can generate electricity from waste energy sources or biomass. This guideline led to reduction of waste amount and raw materials importation from abroad to produce electricity, creating extra income for people in the community and resulting in participation of the community that affected energy security.


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How to Cite

Sungsuwan, S. (2020). DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE POWER PLANT FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SECURITY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 9(3), 118–132. retrieved from