
  • วรวุฒิ อินทนนท์


Human Resource Development, Organizational Development


Human resource development is an important task for organizational development that is the most important of the organization. It also helps the overall organization to evolve continually and lead to the successful organizational development/ the failure or the organizational excellence. In the present day, the organizational development is a very popular activity because of the changes that occur causing the organization is aware of the importance of human development to be an important part in helping the organization to achieve the success sustainably. However, the asuccessful organizational development needs to know and understand the implementation because of there is no shortcut in the organizational development or implementation formula. The human resources can develop organizations to achieve organizational goals, including the integration of various values of the organization development. The article of “Human Resource Development for Organizational Development” aims to explain; (1) the main goals and objectives of the human resource development, (2) the goal and objectives of the organizational development, (3) the organizational development process, and (4) the integration of various values of the organizational development with the practice to achieve goals.


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How to Cite

วรวุฒิ อินทนนท์. (2020). HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT FOR ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-05), 617–626. retrieved from