Evaluation of The Services, Land Registration Office StaffAbstract
This research paper is intended for The Land Department is a governmental government agency that is required to enter into the framework of public administration in accordance with the guidelines of the Office of the Civil Service Commissioner, particularly in relation to the achievement of the mission. Quality of service Satisfaction of people who come to the service. As a result, the current land and land use situation is likely to face more severe conflicts as demand for residential and residential land is increasing. The use of land for activities is more diverse than before. Delayed resolution. Because there are divisions responsible for land scattered across many divisions. Work policy is not consistent. And importantly, each unit does not have a systematic and accurate audit of land information and is sufficiently clear enough to make the decision. Therefore, the Nong Khai Provincial Land Office, which is responsible for managing and external factors, the land system. It has been modified by economic, social, political, technological and globalization circumstances. Include bureaucratic reforms that focus on service-centric services. The service system has been continuously adjusted to meet the needs of service recipients. The study participants were interested in the evaluation of the service provided by the Nong Khai Provincial Office of Land Registration. From the sample of 380 people, Accidental Sampling was used as a tool to study and statistical data used for data analysis: percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test (One-way). ANOVA) The research found that 1. Service recipients agree that the services of the Nong Khai Provincial Land Registration Office staff are available. The overall and four aspects of the process / process of service. Service staff Facility and quality of service In good shape 2. Male service recipients agree that the services of the Nong Khai Provincial Office of Land Registration Office The overall and the two aspects of the process / process of service. And the quality of service more than the female service. Most recipients under the age of 25 see the services of the registrar staff as a whole and four aspects of the process / service. Service staff Facility And quality of service More than 26 to 35 year olds, 36-45 years old and 46-55 year olds. In addition, service recipients with bachelor degree See that the services of the registrar staff The overall and four aspects of the process / process of service. Service staff Facility And quality of service More than recipients of primary education, secondary education, higher education, bachelor degree, and so on, and civil service recipients agree that the services of the registrar staff are overall and that the four aspects are procedural / procedural. service Service staff Facility And quality of service More than service recipients who have a professional farmer. State employees Employee And private business Statistically significant at the .05 level. In summary, the majority of service recipients agree that the services of the Nong Khai Provincial Office of Land Registration Office Overall and individual aspects are good. Most of them are male. Under 25 years of age, bachelor degree And career This information can be used as a basis for planning to optimize. And the strategy for the service of the Nong Khai Provincial Land Office to meet the needs of the service recipient. This can help reduce the problem of service to the satisfaction of the service users at the Nong Khai Provincial Land Office.
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