
  • พระคมสัน ฐิตเมธโส
  • เดช ชูจัดอัด
  • ปิยวรรณ หอมจันทร์


Promoting, Consumption, Aging People


The research consisted of three main objectives, namely: 1) to study Buddhadhamma in promoting food consumption; 2) to compare food consumption behavior of aging people in Bangkok; and 3) to study problems, obstacles and present way to solve problems in food consumption behavior in accordance with the principles of Buddhadhamma. The research was used the Mixed Method with both quantitative and survey methods. The sampling group of the research was the 291 aging people being members of two Associations for Elderly in Bangkok from totally 1,065 with the help of accidental sampling. The tools used for data collection were questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were the Frequencies, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation (S.D.), F-test, One Way Analysis of Variance (One Way ANOVA) and the difference in pair by the way of Least Significant Difference (LSD). And also the In-depth interview was conducted with the help of Content Analysis Techniques. The findings of the research are as follow : 1. The aging people’s opinion concerning the Buddhadhamma in promoting food consumption of aging people in the area of Bangkok was totally found in medium level with = 3.08; being considered each aspect, all have been found in medium level, too. 2. The comparison of aging people’s opinion concerning the Buddhadhamma in promoting food consumption of aging people in the area of Bangkok classified by personal factors: gender, occupation before retired age, income, resident, health problems, exercise and merit-making which were different effected to opinion concerning the Buddhadhamma in promoting food consumption of aging people in the area of Bangkok totally had significant differences at .05 level of confidence. 3. From studying the problems, obstacles and present way to solve problems in food consumption behavior in accordance with the principles of Buddhadhamma, it has been found as follows: 1) most have behavior in consumption as they like to eat, but they realize effects from meet-eating and also digestive system; 2) the most believe in advertising media like television, radio, etc., and prefer to test fruit juice for health with the belief that those be useful for health; 3) the most understand the Buddhist principles, but not at all, and the most go for making merit just for relax only; and 4) the most copy consumption behavior from friends being good health from consumption. 4. From In-depth interview The most aging people like to make merit in monasteries, do activities for health, have food for health; meanwhile, their consumption behavior consult to Thai culture, not accept to change consumption behavior due to use to behave since childhood till old age; furthermore, they know principles of Buddhadhamma like bhojanemattanyuta that is meant moderating in eating, not eat too more or less harming their stomach somehow.


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How to Cite

พระคมสัน ฐิตเมธโส, เดช ชูจัดอัด, & ปิยวรรณ หอมจันทร์. (2020). BUDDHADHAMMA IN PROMOTING FOOD CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOR OF AGING PEOPLE IN BANGKOK. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-05), 449–460. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/242441