
  • ณัฏฐนาถ ศรีเลิศ


Majjhima Patipada; The practice of Insight Meditation; Satipatthana 4.


Majjhima Patipada which is the middle way in the 8 Ariyamaggas is the important Doctrinal Principle appearing in Mahagopala Suta which is called the way of the practice to end all the sufferings. Majjhima Patipada is called Ariya Magga. Such Ariya Magga is of 8 organs, namely :- 1. Samma Ditthi, the Right View, 2. Samma Sankappa, the Right Thought, 3. Samma Vaca, the Right Speech, 4. Samma Kammanta, the Right Work, 5. Samma Ajiva, the Right Occupation, 6. Samma Vayama, the Right Effort, 7. Samma Sati, the Right Consideration, and 8. Samma Samadhi, the Right Concentration. The Doctrinal  rgan is the wisdom which is set
up as Panna Cetasika-Dhamma. Regarding remaining Maggas, they are those supporting the mind to the Right View (Samma Ditthi). The practice of Insight Meditation in Buddhism is the practice of the
principle of Samma Sati, which is the development of the mindfulness in the right ways in the four bases :- Kayanupassna Satipatthana which is the mindfulness firmly established in the body, Vedananupassna Satipatthana which is the mindfulness firmly established in Vedana, Cittanupassna Satipatthana which is the mindfulness firmly established in the mind, and Dhammanupassna Satipatthana which is the
mindfulness firmly established in Dhamma. The practice according to 4 Satipatthanas is the only way to cause the state, the birth, and the circles of the birth and death to be in the end. The development of Satipatthana must consist of the Effort, the Mindfulness, the Concentration and the Wisdom. The development of the Eightfold Noble Path is Majjhima Patipada which is the practice of the Middle Way.
When the practisers of the Dhammas carry out the way of the practice of the Dhammas according to the Middle Way, and set up their mindfulnesses for knowing the Doctrinal States :- the Form and the Norm appearing in the six doors, they will realize every thing according to the fact, and will have the insight knowledge which means the realization of Nibbana. 


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How to Cite

ศรีเลิศ ณ. . . (2020). THE MIDDLE WAY BASED (ARIYAMAGGA) VIPASSANĀ MEDITATION IN ACCORDING TO THE FOUR FOUNDATIONS OF MINDFULNESS. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-02), 767–778. retrieved from