Chinese investors; Advantage; Economic PolicyAbstract
Nowadays, it is recognized Thai economy requires lots of investments especially foreign investment. According to the economic policy of Thailand, it is quite open to many countries and attract the investment of different nations, including China. However, it could not be mentioned that to the economic policy brings only the investment of China. Therefore, this article aims to examine the factors that motivate Chinese investors to invest in Thailand. Authors reviewed the research papers, academic journals, and relevant and meaningful documents, including conducting five in-depth interviews with Chinese investors who invested in Thai-Chinese Industrial Estate, Rayong Province and one in-depth interview with Chinese scholars. It was found that there are many reasons for investors from China wanted to invest in Thailand. Those were of culture,dharma, food, comfortable living, and convenient travel Transportation system which are good for business. In addition, the first main reason is having good relations between Thailand and China for many hundred years. Second is Thailand's economic policy focused on promoting investment although Thailand has changed the government many times, but economic policy in promoting foreign investment has never changed. Therefore, this showed no risks. Third, Thailand has a geographical advantage as the center of ASEAN facilitating the distribution of goods. For the reasons mentioned above, Thailand is considered the significant advantages in attracting Chinese investors to invest which is regarded as the crucial opportunity Thailand should pursue. Therefore, it depends on how much incentive measures are available to Chinese investors who are ready to invest coming to Thailand as the top of the investment destination continuously because it means the economic benefits that make Thailand stable.
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