Digital Technology Management, Excellence, Organizational EffectivenessAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to study the causal model relationship of digital technology management for excellence and organizational effectiveness of private universities in Thailand, and to examine the consistency between a model assumption and empirical data on digital technology management, excellence and organizational effectiveness of private universities in Thailand. The research samples were 260 private university administrators, who were members of Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical programs: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) including multivariate statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and path analysis. The research findings were as follows: Digital technology management, excellence and effectiveness of private universities in Thailand are correlated. Digital technology management had direct effect on the effectiveness of private universities in Thailand (β=0. 35, p<.05) and excellence (β=-0.65, p<.05).Excellence had direct effect on effectiveness of private universities in Thailand (β = 018, p< .05). Meanwhile, digital technology management had indirect effect on the effectiveness of private universities in Thailand through excellence (β =0.11, p< .05). The causal model was confirmed with empirical data, and the model accounted for 65 % of the variance in effectiveness.
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