Strategy, Management as Participatory, Damnoensaduak Floating MarketAbstract
The objectives of research were1)to study the strategy of Damnoensaduak floating market management as participatory of community, 2) to compare the opinion of the people to strategy of Damnoensaduak floating market management as participatory of community, 3) to present the problem, obstacle and suggestion for development the strategy of Damnoensaduak floating market management as participatory of community. It was the mixed research method that the quantitative research used the questionnaire as the tool to collect the data in the field study from 381 people in the area of Damnoensaduak Municipality, Ratchaburi province (Using the formula of Taro Yamane). The statistics were used for the data analysis through frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D), T-test, F-test, One-way Analysis of Variance and Least Significant Difference: LSD. And the qualitative research had the documentary analysis and interview as the tool to collect the data in the field study from 10 key informants and analyzed the data through the content analysis technique. The findings of research were:
1) To study the strategy of Damnoensaduak floating market management as participatory of community, found that it was at good level in overall (xˉ =3.66). When considered in each aspect found that the planning was at good level (xˉ =4.05), the working practice was at the middle level (xˉ =3.35), the interest distribution (xˉ =4.10), and the evaluation was at the middle level (xˉ =3.13).
2) To compare the opinions of the people to strategy of Damnoensaduak floating market management as participatory of community was classified by personal factors found that sex, age, education, career and income of people who responded the questionnaire had the effect on opinions of the people to strategy of Damnoensaduak floating market management as participatory of community in overall indifferently that it
rejected the research hypothesis.
3) To present the problem and obstacle for development the strategy of Damnoensaduak floating market management as participatory of community as following : the problem and obstacle found that the planning such as to set up the public hearing stage insufficiently to the demand, the working practice such as to proceed the projects or activities that did not use the local community labours and equipments all 100 percent,
the interest distribution such as to publish the projects and activities processes maximally from low investment to the small level of surrounding communities and the evaluation such as low participation
4) Interviews from key informants as following : Suggestion for development the strategy of Damnoensaduak floating market management as participatory of community found that : the planning such as Damnoensaduak municipality should set up the public hearing stage sufficiently to the demand of the local community people every month, especially, the project or activity for the local children or youths, the working practice such as Damnoensaduak municipality should use such as to proceed the projects or activities that did not use the local community labours and equipments to proceed the projects or activities for the career promotion and increasing the income for local community people, the interest distribution that Damnoensaduak municipality should publish the projects and activities processes maximally from low investment to the surrounding communities in the provincial, regional and country levels for and the evaluation of Damnoensaduak municipality should increase the channel for receiving the information from the people and should let the people have the participation to determine the success indicator of every project and activity.
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