ยุทธศาสตร์, การบริหารงานเพื่อความเป็นเลิศ, โรงเรียนพระปริยัติธรรม แผนกสามัญ ศึกษาAbstract
The purposes of this research were (1) to analyze the administration of Phrapariyattidhamma Public Schools, (2) to analyze the Buddhist moral code, concept, and theory related the administration of Phrapariyattidhamma Public Schools, and (3) to present the administrative strategy for an excellence of Phrapariyattidhamma Public Schools. The research methodology was the qualitative research. The research
samples were divides to 2 groups: (1) 25 key informants consisted of directors, deputy directors, academic experts of Phrapariyattidhamma Public Schools, and (2) 10 experts and stakeholders that participating in focus-group discussion. The research data were collected by in-depth interview and focus-group discussion. The qualitative data were analyzed by 6C Technique.
The research results were:
1) The administration of Phrapariyattidhamma Public Schools found that (1) the academic administration and instruction emphasized theory and knowledge, but did not relate to implementation. Students had not been supported to reach the Buddhist moral code. Moreover, there was no the act about the instruction of Phrapariyattidhamma Public Schools, so teachers’ career path was not stable, then teachers did not attend the instruction, and lastly this influenced to learning of students. There were several problems of administration and educational standard development continuously, (2) the problems of the personnel administration related the leaders such as directors and deputy directors were not chosen from the selection system, but archimandrites chose them directly. The authority of administration depended on the directors or archimandrite. Occasionally, the leaders had not enough knowledge or skill for solving problems and they had no enough time for school management because of their several works. The problem about the human resource of teachers was like the leader’s problem. Teachers were not also chosen from the selection system because there was no human resource plan. Teachers had no stability in career path,
encouragement, proper earnings and welfare, and self-development about instruction. Teachers always resigned and moved to better works because they just were the temporary employee, (3) the budget was not enough for works and instruction patterns because the budget varied with the number of students. The accountancy system was not standard, not clear, and not based on the good governance concept, (4) the general problems such as technological media, and classrooms were not enough for instruction. There were no enough people who were skillful in technology in schools, so schools were not ready to organize the information technology system for school’s management and public relations. The networking of schools was not efficient and schools did not plan to manage together. The school organization, policies, and development plans of schools and school network were not unity.
2) The Buddhist moral code that related the administration of Phrapariyattidhamma Public Schools was Ariyasacca 4 (the Four Noble Truths): Dukkha, Samudaya, Nirodha, and Magga for solving problems of academic, personnel, budget, and general administration. Step 1 Dukkha, the Noble Truth of Suffering, applied for studying and specifying problems. Step 2 Samudaya, the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering, applied for analysis and prioritizing problems by need assessment. Step 3 Nirodha, the Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering, applied for specifying the ultimate goals, analysis solutions, and prioritizing goals. Step 4 Magga, the Noble Truth of the path leading to the Extinction of Suffering, applied for practice for solving problems, conclude solutions and results.
3) The administrative strategy for an excellence of Phrapariyattidhamma Public Schools was divided to 4 aspects: (1) to build and develop learners toward the high-quality Buddhist priests. The learners should be the religion disciple, expert in Buddhism, learn for up to date the globalization, live with virtue, morality, and discipline,and create the sustainable Buddhist society, (2) to develop the administrative system toward the standard and sustainable high-quality schools, and to educate students to be a perfect in mental, social, intelligence both life and spiritual way, (3) to enhance the competency of schools toward the center of Phrapariyattidhamma Public Schools, to develop the Buddhist curriculum, and to make international relationship, and (4) to support and propagate Buddhism, to develop Thai society toward the Buddhist knowledge society, and to practice in the Five Precepts of Buddha.
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