
  • เอนก อาจวิชัย


Business culture, direct-selling, network, Northeastern Thailand


This investigation, Network businesses: Maintenance of culture by network business procedures in Northeastern Thailand, is a qualitative research project. The area of study was Northeastern Thailand. The three aims of the investigation were to: 1) study the history of network business and direct sale in Northeastern Thailand; 2) to study the current conditions and problems with network business and direct sale
in Northeastern Thailand; and 3) to study a method for maintaining network business culture and direct sale in Northeastern Thailand. The results show that Direct selling first emerged in Thailand 40 years ago. Due to the speed and ease of growth, the model was a success and now direct sale businesses are common in the Thailand because they create opportunities for all classes, genders and social groups. There are seven categories of problem with direct-selling businesses in Northeastern Thailand. This research explains that the following seven checks can help combat the seven problems: 1) Do the products have practical use and can they be re-stocked if sold-out? 2) Can the products be sold and will the seller make reasonable profit? 3) Have the products been imported and taxed according to the law  4) Have any dietary supplements or health products been registered with the Department of Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health? 5) Are usage instructions clear and accurate according to the criteria of the Office of the Consumer Protection Board? 6) Do all products have the required licenses? 7) Are products guaranteed or warrantied by the company? Is there a returns policy


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How to Cite

อาจวิชัย เ. . . (2020). NETWORK BUSINESSES: MAINTENANCE OF CULTURE BY NETWORK BUSINESS PROCEDURES IN NORTHEASTERN THAILAND. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-02), 363–374. retrieved from