
  • ไพรินทร์ ณ วันนา


Value and Importance, Salakyom, Socio – Cultural Community



The research entitled “ an nal tical tud f alue and importance of salskyom Towards a lamhuns socio – Cultural Community” c nsists f three objectives: 1) to study the background of Salākabhatta and the  ssence of Buddhadhamma dhamma appearing in the Salākabhatta, 2) to explore the background and development of Salakyom Traditi n in a hun r vince and 3) to analyze the value and importance of the Salakyom towards Lamphun s Socio – Cultural Community. This is conducted by the qualitative research method. Analytical studying and interpreting the data of field research was particularly functioned. Analysis, interpretation and synthesis from the significant related resources were also done. The results of the study showed:- The Salākabhatta (ticket-food) in the Buddha’s lifeti e is ne f seven Bhattas(food) approved by the Buddha. The story of a giantess taking revenge a woman became the beginning of the Salākabhatta Offering since then. It had been developed continuously and was introduced into Thailand by propagation of Buddhism. At present, it can be said that in the north it was called as Tan Kuay Salak, in the central region as Salaka Phat, in the south as Ching Pret, and in the Northeast as Boon Khao Sak. There are some important Buddha-dhammas appearing in the Salākabhatta-dāna (ticket-food or supplies) offering. They are Saddhā, Dāna, Sīla, Kataññū, Samaggī and the use of property. It is remarkably noted that the Salakyom tradition, a part of the Salākabhatta Offering ceremony in the north, especially in the a hun r vince is amazingly conducted. In the past, the Salakyom tradition was considered as offering alms of the girls who are ready for their marriage. This is an important stratagem to make a save and to recognize making a merit. At present, the Salakyom ceremony was jointly conducted by Buddhist monasteries and Community. The organizers of the Salakyom is commonly done at Wat Phradhatuharibhunchai Varamahāvihāra, Mueang District, Lamphun Province at first, and then various monasteries of Lamphun can be arranged. The Salakyom was considerably found at Rim Ping, Pratu Pa, Nong Chang Kuen and U-mong Sub-district. Last, the value and importance of Salakyom t wards a hun s ci – Cultural Community has appeared on the subjects of human development; a cultural learning and Buddha-dhamma being contained therein, protection and social welfare; social supporting by community helping on activities of monasteries, human rights and social justice; creating social equality between women and men, and honoring women in their role as leaders to formalize the function, environmental sustainability; the application of environmental conditions in a community for the Salakyom ceremony, the use by doing and decorating natural materials being included, the identity; defining a common identity for shared ownership of a hun s ci – Cultural community, and the gap narrowing of development; focusing on the system of economic community arising from the hiring process of the function, which the people in the community have contributed to help each other. This stimulates and promotes the economic community to survive laudably.


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How to Cite

ไพรินทร์ ณ วันนา. (2020). AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF VALUE AND IMPORTANCE OF SALAKYOM TOWARDS LAMPHUNS SOCIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-02), 295–308. retrieved from