
  • รสกร พรอภิรักษ์


Marketing Mix, Purchasing Decision, Marketing effectiveness


The study “The model Marketing for purchasing life insurance in Thailand”have the following objectives 1) to study the significance of marketing mix,purchasing decision and market effectiveness 2) to study the relationships between marketing mix, purchasing decision and market effectiveness 3) to study marketing models for purchasing life insurance in Thailand. The gathering and analyzing of data is divided into two parts. The first part is gathered thorough in-depth interview with 10 middle to high level managers in insurance companies, then using the data to formulate the questionnaire of the second part. The second part using quantitative research in the form of survey research from a closed-ended questionnaires and feedback. Based on the criteria for segmentation in the market. Bangkok, Muang Nakhon Ratchasima, Chiang Mai and Hat Yai district of Songkhla province, each representing a region of 100 samples each, of the general public that is interested in buying life insurance. The statistics used are percentage, mean, standard deviation, weighted factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient and linear analysis to compute the life insurance purchasing decision model in Thailand. The study found The level of significance of marketing mix on all aspects is high. The level of significance of purchasing decision is high and the level of significance of market effectiveness is high. The marketing mix have a high, positive relationship with market
effectiveness (.704), and have a high, positive relationship with purchasing decision(.795). the purchasing decision have a high, positive relationship with market effectiveness (.846).
The marketing model for purchasing life insurance in Thailand, by analyzing each component to discover the appropriate model found that services have a moderate, positive relationship with market effectiveness (.775) and have a high, positive relationship with purchasing decision (.869). The marketing had found to have a high, positive relationship with purchasing decision (.888) and have a low, positive relationship with market effectiveness (.589). The purchasing decision had found to have a high, positive relationship with market effectiveness (.842) which correlates with the in-depth interview. 


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How to Cite

พรอภิรักษ์ ร. . (2020). THE MODEL MARKETING FOR PURCHASING LIFE INSURANCE IN THAILAN. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 761–772. retrieved from