
  • กิตติกร สันคติประภา


Accessiblity; Inclusive Tourism; Community Floating Market


The arrangement of a community floating market should be responsive to the needs of everyone, and to make it sustainable are challenging issues for a community. This pilot research project aimed at identifying the possibilities to introduce an inclusive tourism to support the reestablishment of a floating market for community based-tourism, henceforth supporting the sustainable development. The researcher applied grounded theory methodology to create understanding about the condition of its development. Moreover, increasing the awareness of stakeholders’ workshop on barriers for an independent living was arranged. The findings showed that the key conditions for the development of a floating market included the community sense of belonging to a community floating market to increase tourism, a community with social capital and cultural capital, the ability of the community to cope with change, strong local leaders who could apply external knowledge to create a tangible output. However, the most important issue for the development of an inclusive floating market was the change of related people and ideas, as well as the aspect of human rights. This means that all of the people were able to live and travel independently. In addition, the  dvancement of relevant local technology and equipment, as well as tangible examples relating to this type of tourism have to be made available. All in all, it implies that interventions for a fast track development emphasizing the creation of awareness of people with disabilities and the elderly are still necessary as a basis for launching an effective inclusive floating market for tourism.


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How to Cite

สันคติประภา ก. . . (2020). THE CONDITIONS IN REVIVING A COMMUNITY FLOATING MARKET THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION OF INCLUSIVE TOURISM KNOWLEDGE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 553–570. retrieved from