
  • พระราชรัตนเวที (ประเสริฐ โชติธมฺโม/สิทธิอินทร์)


Competency, Competency Development Model, Administrative, Sangha Administrators.


The research entitled “Competency Development Model of Sangha
Administrators in Sangha Administrative Area 4th” was the study to develop
administrative competency of administrators at sangha administrative area 4th with
the following objectives: 1. to study the administrative competency of
administrators at sangha administrative area 4th, 2. to analytically study
development of administrative competency of administrators at sangha
administrative area 4th and 3. to create the model of competency development
model of sangha administrators in sangha administrative area 4th.
Methodology was the mixed methods: The qualitative research collected
data from key informants, who were administrators, experts and representatives
from related agency with structured in-depth interview. Data were also collected
from participants in focus group discussion and concluded data for quantitative
research by survey method with questionnaires from samples who were
Findings were as follows:
1. Administrative competency of administrators at sangha administrative
area 4th was carried out along with the chain of command as teamwork on the
basis of physical, verbal and mental control abiding by rules and regulations and
Dhamma-Vinaya. Unity, helping sharing, trust, treat each other with loving-kindness,
consulting each other regularly to create right view and right thought in
2. Approaches to competency development of sangha administrators in
sangha administrative area 4th by Budhadhamma integration: Strategy; there should
use Tutiyapapanikadhamma for development to have Jukkhuma or vision.
Structure; use Tutiyapapanikadhamma to abide by the set rules. System; applying
Itthipada for success. Staff; using Sangkahavattudhamma to help and to share with
one another. Skill; using Pavana 4 to develop physically, verbally, mentally and
wisdom. Style; using Apparihaniyadhamma to seize to unity, harmony, doing
together, adjourning together. Shared value; using Saraniyadhamma or principles of
unity and treat each other with loving-kindness.
3. Model of competency development of sangha administrators in sangha
administrative area 4th: Strategy; what the administrators have to develop for
efficiency and effectiveness were as: 1) to abide by the framework of administration

according to Dhamma-Vinaya, 2) plan to use strategy and tactics, and mission of
administration, 3) set indicators for successful standard. Structure: 1) participatory
administration, 2) if administration vertically, rules and regulations should be
reduced, 3) mixed methods of administration appropriately to problems and
situations. System; 1) operation for the benefits for all rather than personal interest,
2) job performance with physical, verbal, mental and wisdom control,
3) performance with good governance with transparency and being able to check.
Staff; 1) Operation with Saraniyadhamma or with love and loving-kindness,
2) administration with Apparihaniyadhamma or unity and harmony, 3) administration
with Sanghavattu or principles of giving and sharing. Skill: 1) communication and
public relations skill development, 2) skill in teamwork development, 3) personal
skill development for personal excellence. Style; 1) Administration based on
Apparihaniyadhamma, 2) Administration based on Saraniyadhamma, 3)
Administration based on Dhamma-Vinaya. Shared value; 1) administration based on
Apparihaniyadhamma, 2) administration based on Prahmmaviharadhamma, 3)
administration based on the right view (Sammatitti).


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ของคณะสงฆ์จังหวัดนครสวรรค์. นครสวรรค์ : วัดวรนารถบรรพต พระอารามหลวง.



How to Cite

(ประเสริฐ โชติธมฺโม/สิทธิอินทร์) พ. . (2020). COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF SANGHA ADMINISTRATORS IN SANGHA ADMINISTRATIVE AREA 4. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 523–538. retrieved from