
  • พระครูวินัยธรวรรณไชย สิริวณฺโณ


Police Chaplains’ ,Components Development , Polices’MoralityEnhancement


Objectives of this research were: 1.To study the history, the role and the
duty of the police chaplains, 2. To analyze the component of the component of
Police and 3. To propose the model for the police chaplains’ components
development for polices’s morality enhancement.
Methodology was the mixed methods.The qualitative research collected
data from 20 key informants, purposefully selected with structured in-depthinterview
by face-to-face interviewing and analyzed data by descriptive
interpretation. The quantitative research collected data with questionnaires from
500 samples out of 11,150 people and analyzed data with descriptive statistics
Findings were as follows:
1. History, roles and functions of police chaplains were that police
chaplain group,welfaires, man power office and National Police Office were
established in 2552 B.E. responsible for religious ceremonies, giving advices to
supervisors in cases of religions, morale and other duties assigned by supervisors, 2)
results from data analysis were that the necessary components of police chaplains
were of 5 components: 1)Technical component; police chaplains must have
knowledge, psychology and arts of speech in solving problems, use technologies
and Buddhadhamma in training, 2) target component; operation according plans/
purposeful targets, methods and operation to strengthen the clear and concrete
ethical morality enhancement, qualitatively and quantitatively, 3) Data component;
there should by activity book record of polices’ morality enhancement and public
relations to the public. There should sessions to give police chaplains new
knowledge continuously, 4) personnel component; police chapalins must have
good personality, leadership with education from Bachelor degree in Buddhism or
Religion and Paii 6 or Pali 9 level ans selection process must go through
examination and 5) structural component; organizational structure must have police
chaplains in each and every section in the organization of National Police Office
and the police chaplains at central unit must be at least department level.


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How to Cite

สิริวณฺโณ พ. . (2020). POLICE CHAPLAINS’ COMPONENTS DEVELOPMENT FOR POLICES’MORALITY ENHANCEMENT. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 449–466. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/241618