
  • พระครูพิสิทธิ์ธรรโมภาส (ประสิทธิ์ ชิตมาโร)


development, administration, meditation institutes


Objectives of this study were 1) to study the general conditions of the
administration of the best Provincial Meditation Institutes in Sangha Administrative
Region 4; 2) to study the principle and methods of the administration of the best
Provincial Meditation Institutes in Sangha Administrative Region 4; and 3) to propose
a model development of the best Provincial Meditation Institutes in Sangha
Administrative Region 4. This study is a mixed research between a quantitative
research and qualitative one. The quantitative study used a questionnaire with a
reliability value of 0.929 for collecting data from 397 samples, viz., and meditation
practitioners in the best Provincial Meditation Institutes in Sangha Administrative
Region 4 by a Random Sampling method. The qualitative study used an in-depth
interview for collecting data from 25 key informants and a focus group technique
with 12 participants. By an in-depth interview using a purposive selection method.
The content analysis was used for analyzing qualitative data based on the 4’C
Technique Analysis including data collection, data procedure, finding and reviewing
of data, and finally presentation of data results.
Findings of the study were as follows:
1.Regarding the general conditions of the administration of the best
Provincial Meditation Institutes in Sangha Administrative Region 4 it found that the
conditions of place were convenient, peaceful, clean, safe and sufficient for
meditation practice; and the conditions of masters were of an experience,
leadership, unity, discipline, outstanding performance and transparency.
2. With respect to the principle and methods of the administration of the
best Provincial Meditation Institutes in Sangha Administrative Region 4 it revealed
that there were 3 aspects: the place was based on the principle of the suitable
abode including convenience, peace, cleanness, safety and sufficiency for meditation practitioners; the master was based on the suitable person including an
experience, leadership, unity, discipline, outstanding performance and transparency;
and the suitable administration was based on the suitable Doctrine including a
good system management, outstanding performance and transparency applying the
Six states of conciliation comprising being amiable in deed with each other, being
amiable in word with each other, being amiable in thought with each other, sharing
any lawful gains with virtuous fellows, keeping without blemish the rules of
conduct along with one’s fellows and being endowed with right views along with
one’s fellows.
3. In respect of a model development of the best Provincial Meditation
Institutes in Sangha Administrative Region 4 it found that there existed 3 models: 1)
the model of the place development with a green environment, oral fixation,
environmental protection, following strict rules, regulations and middle way; 2) the
model of the master development with a good knowledge, creative speech,
motivation, generosity to others, human relations and positive attitude; and 3) the
model of the administration development with participatory administration, creative
communication, accountability and justice, being subject to morality and
cooperation with good friendship.


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บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย: มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย.



How to Cite

(ประสิทธิ์ ชิตมาโร) พ. . (2020). A MODEL DEVELOPMENT OF THE BEST PROVINCIAL MEDITATION INSTITUTES IN SANGHA ADMINISTRATION REGION 4. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 421–432. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/241616