
  • พระมหาปัญญาวัฒน์ ปญฺญาวฑฺฒโน (แสนบุญมี)


Human Resource Development, The Shangha Administrator Monks


The research objectives were 1) to study problems and impediments of
human resource development’s management of the ecclesiastical administrative
officers in Nakhon Phanom 2) to study the pattern of human resource
development’s characteristics and factors of them, and 3) to present the pattern of
human resource development of them. The methodology of the research was
qualitative research. There were 2 steps of data collection by purposive in-depth
interview of 25 monks. The data collecting instruments were non-structural
interview form and group discussion of 10 experts purposively selected in Nakhon
Phanom. The analytic induction and description were adopted to analyze the data.
Findings :
The problems and impediments of human resource development’s
management of the ecclesiastical administrative officers in Nakhon Phanom were
insomuch that the clergy in Nakhon Phanom had to urgently find the way out of 3
problems such as 1) training leading to a lot of problems affecting to the persons
who were to be ordained in Buddhism e.g. screening process leading to
discouraging the persons who were willing to ordain, lack of integration with
outsources, tardiness of the clergy’s performance 2) education, the problems
mainly about values and physical factors such as old age, long distance, the
superior’s support etc., and 3) development, the problems mainly about
connection with the outsources, less participation, and the ecclesiastical
administrative monks.
Moreover, the pattern of human resource development’s characteristics
and factors were found that education, focused on the communicators, may
require a specific course of human resource development especially for the
ecclesiastical administrative monks, while in training, requiring at least 4-5 days’
workshop focusing on 3 sections; academic especially Buddhist principles,
recreation especially relaxation and relieving stress, and mental growing or practice,
and development, 1) physical development, focused on relation between internal 

sense-fields and external sense-fields and encouragement of monks and novices’
awareness, 2) moral development, focused on secular laws, customs, norms,
traditions and other principles for monks, 3) emotional development, focused on
classification of mental state or character of the monks, novices, and laymen for
further better development, and 4) wisdom development, focused on building the
learning society or the society of awakening, free from depravity.
Furthermore 3) the pattern of human resource development of the
ecclesiastical administrative monks found: the characteristics and elements of the
style to develop human of ecclesiastical administrative monks in Nakhon Phanom
The first Q standing for quality means the quality of human resource
development quality. The second Q standing for qualification means expertise
development from education and practice of human resource development due to
Buddhist method. The first M standing for merit means human merit. The second M
standing for moral means moral development of human. All of four letters called
Two M Two Q model (QMMQ) consists of 4 levels as followings,
Primary level focused on physical quality development, emphasizing to
living context development system together with environment factors, internal
sense-fields and external sense-fields development, wellbeing, and manners
Medium level emphasized precept development with merit, The contents
composed of routine, sekhiyavatra (etiquette), discipline, fundamental precepts
chanting, and social interaction.
High level emphasized morally emotional development by training
program, studying, and human resource development for 5 days-nights,
concentrated in academic matter, recreation, and emotional development.
Professional level emphasized wisdom development with qualification
composed of 4 levels: 1) Dhamma principal recognition, focusing on the core
principal knowledge in Buddhism 2) performance recognition by applying
knowledge to practice and experience 3) positioning recognition by adopting the
result from training to develop oneself, and 4) human resource development
recognition by learning and understanding the context, process, strength, and
weakness of human resource development with quality for oneself and


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How to Cite

ปญฺญาวฑฺฒโน (แสนบุญมี) พ. . (2020). HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF THE SHANGHA ADMINISTRATOR MONKS IN NAKHONPHANOM PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 365–378. retrieved from