
  • พระรุ่งโรจน์ ชยานนฺโท


Strategy, Dharma practitioner, Sapaya, Meditation 4, Management


The Objectives of this research were; 1. To study the present
administrative conditions and problems of meditation centers in Ayuthaya Province,
2. To study Buddhadhamma and theory of administration of meditation practice
centers in Ayuthaya Province and 3. To propose the administrative strategy of
meditation practice centers in Ayuthaya Province emphasizing in 3 areas; the place,
personnel and administration.
Methodology was the mixed methods: Quantitative research collected
data from 371 meditation practitioners by simple random sampling, with
questionnaires with reliability coefficient value at 0.954, analyzed data with
frequency, percentile, mean and standard deviation. The qualitative research
collected data from 34 key informants, purposefully selected, with structured indepth-
interview by face-to-face-in-depth-interviewing. Data were also collected
from 11 participants in focus group discussion, and data from both steps were
analyzed by descriptive interpretation.

Findings were as follows:

1. The administrative conditions of meditation practice centers in Ayuthaya
Province in 3 areas; the place, resource persons and administration were by overall
at high level( =4.12) and each area was also at high level. The resource person was
at highest level( =4.26). fully understanding of Buddhism was ar highest
level( =4.42), the place was at high level( =4.06) Separation of dwelling places for
men and women was at highest level( =4.53), administration by overall was at high
level( =4.03), abbots or meditation practice center operators were interested in
and saw importance of education, practice and Buddhism dissemination by insight
meditation was at highest level( =4.60) accounts payable and receivable. There
was the good safety protection system.
2. Buddhadhamma and theory for Administration of meditation practice
centers were Sappayadhamma 7 for the place administration; 1) Avasa, dwelling,
senasana sappaya, 2) Kojarakama, communication, 3) Passa, dialoques, 4) Pukkala,
persons, 5) Pochana, food, 6) Ruedu, seasons, 7) Iriyapada, movement. These things
are the basic foundation of meditation practice to develop the meditation teachers,
using POSDC model: P for planning, good administrators have good long term vision
to confirm the direction of organization. O is for organizing, systemize the structure
of organization with chain of command, S was for Staffing: recruitment for the new
personnel to replace the old ones and use personnel who fit for the work, D. is for
directing, was to direct and facilitate personnel to follow the leaders. Administrators
must have good interpersonal communication and leadership, C is for controlling,
quality control of organizations, internal problems solving including administration
process for the most of efficiency and effectiveness.
3. Administrative strategy of meditation practice centers in Ayuthaya
Province was that; 1) strengthen the knowledge of insight meditation, teaching
media production for meditation teachers, Dhamma media production such as
books, Dhamma CD.DVD and other media for meditation teaching including online
media for those who might be interested in meditation practice. Dhamma lecture
before practice and media development project for foreigners, 2) produce

meditation teachers, training for meditation teachers and personnel to work at
meditation centers, Dhamma practice along the Ariya Sangha steps and honoring
and appraisal project to honor model persons, organization and meditation practice
centers, 3) effective facility development, making meditation center the community
center, Dhamma practice center building, facilitating and promoting, 4) landscape
improvement; growing trees for Dhamma practice garden, Dhamma practice
landscape project, meditation abodes in meditation center, model meditation
practice center project, outstanding meditation practice center selection project, 5)
Practitioners data base development, statistics of all meditation practice centers,
management information system development for meditation practitioners, 6)
transparent budget expenditure, good governance in organization promotion, using
strategy to develop and improve the meditation practice center to be the
comfortable and convenient place to welcome the meditation practitioners and
use the center as the model of the best meditation practice center of the Province.


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How to Cite

ชยานนฺโท พ. . (2020). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF MEDITATION CENTER IN AYUTTHAYA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 329–348. retrieved from