
  • พระมหากิจการ โชติปญฺโญ (ยุติพันธ์)


Development, Pattern, Administration, Sangha in Region 18


The objectives of this research were (1) To study the Theoretical
concepts and pattern of governing the Sangha. 2) To study the state of affairs
and the rule of the monks in Region 18. and 3) To present the forms of the
development of the monastic order.
This research is a qualitative research. The main informants are
divided into 3 groups: (1) 15 monks who hold position for the ruling class in
Region 18 were interviewed. (2) There are 15 each of Buddhist monks and
scholars who involved in the administration in Region 18. (3). Group participants
are included 10 experts and stakeholders which the data can be collected by
both deep interview and group discussion then analyzed the data by using
qualitative content analysis.
The results of the study were as follows :
1. Theoretical concepts and pattern of governing the Sangha were
found that the current form of governing of the Sangha is governed under the
Buddhist Sangha Act, BE 2505 (1992), Amended (No. 2) BE 2535 covered by 21
monks of the Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand. It is considered as highest
organization, all monks, novices, worshipers have complied the rules,
resolutions and announcements has issued from the Sangha Supreme Council
of Thailand.. It is a governing order from top to bottom. It can be divided into 6
levels of administration as following ; (1) the Governor General : supervise the
sector. (2) the Ecclesiastical Regional Governor: provincial supervision. (3) the
Ecclesiastical Provincial Governor : district level supervision (4) the Ecclesiastical
District Officer:district supervisors (5) the Ecclesiastical Commune-Chief: district
supervisors (6) the abbot : district supervisors supervise the monastery. there
are 12 ordained of the abbot who is an Ecclesiastical Village-Chief as well ; (1)

the Governor General (2) the Ecclesiastical Regional Governor. (3) the vice of
Ecclesiastical Regional Governor. (4) the Ecclesiastical Provincial Governor. (5)
the vice of Ecclesiastical Provincial Governor. (6) the Ecclesiastical District
Officer. (7 ) the vice of Ecclesiastical District Officer. (8) the Ecclesiastical
Commune-Chief (9) the vice of Ecclesiastical Commune-Chief (10) the abbot
(11) the vice of abbot (12) the assistant of abbot. There is a hierarchy order.
2. The state of affairs and the rule of the monks, Region 18, there are
6 provinces in authority as following (1), Songkhla province (2), Phatthalung
province (3), Pattani province (5), Yala province (6), Narathiwat province .The
barriers to governance are divided into two (1) Internal problems ; Number of
personnel who are most lacking in governance. Top-down coordination is not
good enough. discontinuing human resources training. the High Level
Ecclesiastical l governors are out of area. The problem is not resolved
immediately. and Lack of morale (2) External problems: There are dangerous
areas in some provinces that occur the unrest on a regular basis, Insecure
journey . The number of Buddhists is less, Abandoned temple increased,
Support from the government is insufficient and uneven, Being deprived of a
different religion in religious activity in the area. Before losing more than this
they should be resolved urgently.
3. The pattern of development of Sangha administration in Region 18
is already done ; Regular meetings are planned continually, Unite to act in
accordance with the agreed process plan, Do not violate the provisions agreed
at the meeting, Respect the resolution of the meeting, Give obedience to the
senior monks. Acting in the ruling Without the power of greed , Open mind
listen to other people, Have a pleasant stay in a clean place.for spiritual
practice, And Set good wishes for those who have the precepts to come into
their own office, and Live together peacefully


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How to Cite

โชติปญฺโญ (ยุติพันธ์) พ. . (2020). THE DEVELOPMENT OF PATTERN OF SANGHA ADMINISTRATION IN REGION 18. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 313–328. retrieved from