
  • พระมหาบุญรอด อมรทตฺโต


Promotion, Ethics, Practice Buddhism, local government organizations


The objectives of this research were: 1. to study the ethics promotion
according to Buddhism of personnel of local administrative organization in Rayong
province, 2. to study the factors to effect on ethics promotion according to
Buddhism of personnel of local administrative organization in Rayong province, 3. to
present the form of promoting ethics practice buddhism of the personnel local
administrative organizations in Rayong province
This research was the mixed method research between the qualitative
and quantitative researches. For the qualitative research collected the data from indepth
interview of 19 key informants by specific choosing from specialists. The tool
to collect the data is the structured in-depth interview collected the data through
interview face to face. The quantitative research collected the data from the
sampling group such as executives, workers, employee from 361 out of 3676
persons for sampling group through simple random sampling and data collection
used the questionnaire with reliability test at 0.05 and the data analysis used the
statistic description, percentage, mean, standard deviation and test the hypothesis
with coefficient of regression and analysis of multiple regression. The findings of this research as follows:
1. The principle of Buddhadhamma for ethics promotion according to
Buddhism of personnel of local administrative organization in Rayon province,
found that the finding of data analysis for Buddhiadhamma promotion for ethic
promotion according to principle of Vesarachchakoranadhamma V are the Dhamma
for brave in over all, found that had the opinion, was at high level  When considered in each aspect, found that had the opinion at high level for four aspects
and had the opinion at moderate level for one aspect. The first aspect is the
Pahusacca or much education, had the opinion at high level  The second
aspect is the Sattha or Faith is to believe as proper believe, had the opinion at high
level The third aspect is the Silla or Precept is to have good behaviour,
had the opinion at high level  The Fourth aspect is the Viriyarampha or
Work hard is to work seriously, had the opinion at high level ( X =3.83). The fifth
aspect is the Panya or Wisdom is to know the proper thing, had the opinion at
moderate level  The finding the data analysis from ethics promotion
according to Phawana IV or Development IV, are the arising Karma or deed that in
over all , had the opinion at high level. When considered in each aspect, found that
every aspect had the opinion at high level  For the first aspect is
Kayaphawana or Bodily Development, had the opinion at high level  The
second aspect is Panyaphawana or Wisdom development, had the opinion at high
level (X =3.82). The third aspect is Silabhawana or the precept development, had
the opinion at high level  The fourth aspect is Cittabhawana or Mind
development, had the opinion at high level 
2. The analysis to wisdom development for ethics promotion according to
Buddhism of personnel of local administrative organization in Rayon province, in
over all, found that had the opinion at high level . When considered in
each aspect found that all three aspects, had the opinion at high level. For the first
was the ethics level according to rule of society, had the opinion at high level (X
=3.96). For the second was the ethics level according to pre-rule of society, had the
opinion at high level . For the third was the ethics level according to rule
of society, had the opinion at high level respectively. The factors of
Development theory for wisdom had the influence to ethics promotion according
to Buddhism of personnel of local administrative organization in Rayon province in
over all, was at the lowest level as 0.227 as the value of coefficient equals to 0.52
that the factors of Development theory for wisdom had the influence to ethics
promotion according to Buddhism of personnel of local administrative organization
in Rayon province got 0.52 that researcher had the opinion test about the factors of
development to wisdom had the significantly statistic at 0.05 for one aspect was
the ethics level according to principle of good consideration or Vicharanayana
3. The form of ethics promotion according to Buddhism of personnel of
local administrative organization in Rayon province found that 1) The personnel of
local administrative organization have the campaigning for discipline and regulation,
have the practice about discipline, rational decision, have the behavior code,
knowledge, understanding about practice about discipline, punishment, duty
responsibility, to keep the rule of discipline, to be strict with the principle and to
work on the proper way. 2) The personnel of local administrative organization have
the Buddhist consciousness for anti-corruption by having the principle of morality
and ethics, to be strict or rely on the benefit of the nation above own benefits and
no interest conflict. 3) The personnel of local administrative organization have the
network for ethics promotion, have the promotion to personnel to have the
network with friends in the office and other organizations as the network for
creation of knowledge organization and ethics, work hard to develop the
organization to continuously success by proceeding along with the knowledge
organization and ethics project for the executives, members, local administrative
organization and personnel and to promote to have the traditional, customs, and
culture learning of locality and international culture. 4) The personnel of local
administrative organization have the training process to have the wisdom in the
ethics promotion to realize the reason, to know the thinking, to know the
punishment or consideration and to know the principle of ethics, to allow the
personnel or staff to go for listening to Dhamma or the sermon at the temple for
life quality development, to promote the personnel to behave well as good


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