
  • นัทพล ปิยะสุวรรณเดช


Solid Waste Management, Tisikkha, Bangkok Metropolis


This research’s objectives aimed at (1) studying the general nature for
managing the solid waste in the Bangkok Metropolis, (2) studying and analyzing the
environment effecting by managing the solid waste out of the Bangkok Metropolis
and (3) presenting the forms of managing the garbage in accordance with Trisikkha
for the Bangkok Metropolis. Research’s methodology was the qualitative work by collecting the data in
two steps. In the first one, 25 people gave the main data who were purposively
selected from the scholars and experts who knew how to manage the solid waste
and who were learned in Buddhadhamma by deeply and systematically
interviewing them whose data was kept the record of interview by face to face. In
the second one, the data was kept from the 12 persons who participated in the
focus group and who were specifically selected from the experts and then the both
of data sets were analyzed by description.
Its findings were found that:
1) The processes to manage the solid waste according to Bartol and
Martin were led help to study and research to present that the processes of
administration and development consisted of planning, organizing, leading and
2) The general nature to manage the solid waste in the Bangkok
Metropolis was planned and directed the organizations before working. The
organizations were provided the work and proclaimed their objectives, power, duty
and responsibility to obtain the purpose in working, control, and processes to check
the performance of the organizations. It was well known that their members or staff
performed directing along with the blue printed plan.
3) Buddhadhamma is very proper to manage the garbage within the
Metropolitan Bangkok. That was Trisikkha consisting of 1) Silisikkha is to manage the
people’s behavior effecting to reduce the garbage problems, 2) Cittasikkha is to
awareness of the importance in managing it and 3) Paññasikkha is to manage the
knowledge and understanding the garbage and the environment by applying to the
Bartol and Martin’s theories to present the forms of management in the garbage in
accordance with the principles of Buddhadhamma in the Metropolitan Bangkok.
There were four forms:
1. The planning by using Trisikkha promoted reduction of the
garbage, separated it into its own group and used it as the recycling usages from
the originated sources and then the quantity of the garbage was controlled and
reduced by cultivating the awareness to reduce it, separate it and use it as the
recycling usages to people who realized its dangers and usages.
2. The organizing by using Trisikkha promoted the concept to
separate the dangerous garbage, the electronic one and the dirty dust out of the general one by informing people near their area to know the garbage throwing
points and cleaning times. Moreover, the participating projects would be done
between the private and the communities to create the consciousness for
management of the garbage.
3. The leading by using Trisikkha would come from the
administrators who supported the policy to effectively develop the processes of
the garbage management with the technology and they would have the awareness
of cooperation with the private and the communities.
4. The control by using Trisikkha would be followed the performance
to get rid of the garbage from the different projects, the results of creating the selfdiscipline
and surveyed the people’s and organizations’ opinion to apply with the
processes for the garbage management.


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How to Cite

ปิยะสุวรรณเดช น. . . (2020). SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO TISIKKHA OF BANGKOK METROPOLIS. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 259–268. retrieved from