
  • พระครูวินัยธรสรยุทธ ฐานวุฑฺโฒ (มีสาราญ)


Buddhadhamma, Integration for People’s Quality of Life Development, Municipalities in Nakorn Sawan Province


The objectives of this research were 1) to study people’s quality of life
development admisnistration at municipalities in Nakhon Sawan province, 2) to
examine factors related to people’s quality of life development admisnistration at
municipalities in Nakhon Sawan province, and 3) to integrate Buddhadhamma for
people’s quality of life development admisnistration at municipalities in Nakhon
Sawan province. Qualitative study was employed in this study. Data collection were consisted of 2
parts. For part one, data were gathered from 26 key informants who were
knowledgeable and expert on development admisnistration and Buddhadhamma.
Each key informant was interviewed individually by using structured interview. For
part two, focus group discussion was employed to collect data from 13 experts.
Data were analyzed by using narrative method.
The results showed that
1) In general, people’s quality of life development admisnistration at
municipalities in Nakhon Sawan province was consisted of planing, organizing,
leading, and control. For planning, they plan for activities that need to be done,
along with the appropriate time for each activity. For organizing, activities, along
with objectives and responsibilities were allocated to all related unit. For leading,
leaders persuated organizational members to follow their orders to fulfill
objectivies of working. For control, working control process was employed to
evaluate whether each unit could perform activities as they planned.
2) There were 6 domains related to people’s quality of life development
admisnistration at municipalities in Nakhon Sawan province, including 1) public
health and environment, and 2) education, religion, cultural, and recreation.
Indicators for these domains were education with quality, building of conscious
mind, and provide opportunity to maintain/suppot religion and culture. 3) Social
and community welfare. Indicator for this domain was elimination of poverty for
people in municipalities. 4) Public utility, public assistance, and tourism. Indicator
for this domain was people were able to get services with conveient, fast, and safe.
5) Peace and security. Indicator was related to capability and readiness to prevent
and mitigate disaster. And 6) Good admisnistration. Indicator was organization with
great adminitration and management. 3) For the intregration of Buddhadhamma for people’s quality of life
development admisnistration at municipalities in Nakhon Sawan province,
Buddhadhamma can be intregrated with 6 supportive domains for people’s quality
of life development admisnistration at municipalities in Nakhon Sawan province
based on the Trisikkha, including sila, samadhi, and panya. For sila, it was related to
development administration on behavior, especially behaviors that were related to
physical environment or object world, how to live with others in community
without encroachment or making anyone suffer. For samadhi, it was development administration on being mindfulness, be able to concentrate, careful, focus, and
perform efficient work. For panya, it was related to development administration of
intellectual. Although intellectual development can come from many souces,
including tacit knowledge, formal knowledge, and everyday’s information,
perception and learning based on the truth and did not falsity was very important
for intellectual development


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How to Cite

ฐานวุฑฺโฒ (มีสาราญ) พ. (2020). BUDDHADHAMMA INTEGRATION FOR PEOPLE’S QUALITY OF LIFE DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION AT MUNICIPALITIES IN NAKORN SAWAN PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 247–258. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/241597