people participation, building a strong communityAbstract
The research titled “Participation in building a strong community of
Samutsongkram Provincial Administrative Organization. The objectives were 1) to
study the level of people's participation in building a strong community of
Samutsongkhram Provincial Administrative Organization 2) to compare the people's
participation in building a strong community of Samutsongkhram Provincial
Administrative Organization 3) to study the problem and barriers and solutions to
promote the people's participation in building a strong community of
Samutsongkhram Provincial Administrative Organization. The samples used in this
study were 380 elective members of the Provincial Administrative Organization
Council, using Yamane formula. Stratified random sampling was used in this study.
The research was a questionnaire. The rating scale was used to analyze the data
with percentage, mean, standard deviation, remove the comments to engage and
use the t-test and F-test analysis of differences.The study found that :
1. Most respondents were 196 females, or 48.4%, aged 31-45 years, 172
people or 45.3%. Most of them had 149 agricultural workers or 39.2%. There were
314 undergraduates, for 82.6%. There were 157 persons living in the community
between 11-30 years, for 41.3%.
2. The people participation in building a strong community of
Samutsongkram Provincial Administrative Organization . The overall is moderate3. The results of the comparison of people's participation in building a
strong community of Samutsongkhram Provincial Administrative Organization by
gender, age, living time in the community showed no significant difference when
classified by professional qualification that public participation in building a strong
community. The difference was statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
4. Problems with the people participation in building a strong community
of Samutsongkhram Provincial Administrative Organization is a collaborator. Joint
decision making in project planning or activities of the Provincial Administration
Organization. Not being able to participate in the implementation of policies,
programs, projects or activities organized by the Provincial Administrative
Organization. The public service of the Provincial Administrative Organization is not
publicly available. Not participate in monitoring the budget used by the Provincial
Administrative Organization.
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