
  • พระครูชลธารคุณากร




The objectives of this research were: 1. To study status of monastery and
leadership inks in Cholburi Province, 2. To study Buddhadhamma and method of
desirable leadership development for monastery management and 3. To propose
Buddhist method of leadership development of administrative monks in Cholburi
Methodology was the qualitative research collected data from document
and 30 key informants, purposefully selected with structured in-depth-interview
form and from 12 participants in focus group discussion, collected data with
recording tape, tested data by triangulation, analyzed data by inductive analysis.
Findings were as follows:
1. General status of monastery administration and leadership of
administrative monks were that: 1) administration; lacking knowledge of
empowerment, did not used new administrative principles, lack of cooperation in
working, and lack of good rules and regulations of administration.
2) Religious studies; personnel in Pariyattidhamma and Pali were limited, 3) religion
dissemination; lack of well qualified personnel, lack of budgetary support, There
should be training for administrative monks to have quality and competency in
Dhamma dissemination and skillful in language using 4) education support;
personnel and budget supporting activities, new equipment and technology were
limited. 5) construction and renovation; lack of order and platform and identity of
monastery and Buddhism according to Thai culture, lack of knowledge of
management. 6) public welfaires; lack of personnel, lack of knowledge ofmanagement and cooperation from network was not systematically clear and
2. Buddhadhaama and desirable leadership development method in
Cholburi Province were to use Tutiyapapanikadhamma in 3 aspects; 1) chakkhuma;
wide range of vision, long eye view for self development with high aim, 2) Vituro;
skillful in management, ability to manage effectively. 3) Nissayasampanno; man
management; skillful in man and personnel management, skillful in communication,
being respected by others with good cooperation and Leadership development by
Tisikkha, sila , proper behavioral development for monkhood, Samathi, mental
development to have strong will ready for work performance and Panya, knowledge
and wisdom development to have good ethics by means of training, education and
3. Buddhist method for administrative monks’ leadership development for
monastery management in Cholburi Province revealed that: 1) administration,
leaders must have ethics to govern with rules and regulations, empowerment,
support, education and training in both theory and practice in 6 areas of Sangha
administration with clear roles in administration in line with Dhamma-Vinayaand
rules of laws, 2) religious education: abbots planned for education for Pali,
scholarship allocation for poor students but good learning, community as center of
education, Sangha Supreme Council should issue appropriate rules and regulations
for Sangha leaders to enforce, 3) dissemination; there should be training for
preachers to listen to policies, preaching principles, public speaking and preaching
practice, media production for dissemination with new technology, setting up center
for continuous Dhamma dissemination, supporting fund and global Buddhist
organization network establishment. 4) construction and renovation; There must be
plan for permanent building construction with rules, emphasizing cleanliness
appropriately for local arts and culture reservation. Construction should be
appropriate to regions and religious identity and religious bank establishment. 5)
education support; Buddhism should provide general education for people, children
and the national youth so that those people would be well educated and
competent in order to coordinate the religious affairs in the same direction, 6)
public welfares; helping society with materials and necessary things that were not
against Dhamma-Vinaya. Leader in monastery development for welfares centers,centers for faiths and merit making, monks and novices supporting, road
constructing into villages, scholarship supporting for children, helping sick poor
people and school library building.


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How to Cite

พระครูชลธารคุณากร. (2020). BUDDHIST METHOD OF LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE MONKS IN CHOLBURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 51–66. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/241370