
  • พระครูปลัดสุรพจน์ ธมฺมกาโม


Sangha Administration personnel


Objectives of this research were to; 1. Study general conditions and
problems of administrative monks administration of Sangha Affaires Administration
in Samutprakarn Province, 2. Study concept and theory related to personnel
management development and 3. Propose personnal for administrative monks
administration in Samutprakarn Province.
Methodology was the mixed methods. The qualitative method collected
data from 22 key informants purposefully selected by in-depth-interview and from
8 participants in focus group discussion analyzed data from both steps by content
analysis and descriptive interpretation and then used the findings to form a
systematic data cluster. The quantitative method collected data from 351 samples
who were monks in Samutprakarn Province by using questionnaires with reliability
score at 0.916, analyzed data with descriptive statistics; frequency, percentile, mean
and standard deviation.
Findings were as follows:
General conditions and problems of administrative monk administration in
Samutprakarn were that; 1) planning; duty allocation, monitoring and evaluation
were not clear, 2) recruitment; personnel recruitment was not done to meet the
required positions in line with age, position and skills,3) development; there were
too many aspects of administrative monk development, there should be only
specific aspect needed for development. This way resulted difficulty to train and
teach monastery dwellers because abbots did not higher education, causing lacking
confidence from community. Sangha education in the areas of and Pali was not
responsive directly to the objectives of Buddhism and also there was
communication with too many new technologies that caused the lack of human
interrelationship, 4) law and order maintenance; Sangha administration was
autonomous at each level, appointment was not done in line with rules and
regulations. Governing body of Sangha administration could not issue order for
Dismissal and punishment of administrative monks because of the blockage from
higher level of administration.
2. Concepts of strategic development were: 1) planning; there was a plan
for meeting and discussion for the clear plan implementation according to the rules
and regulations of the Sangha Supreme Council and the laws of the Sangha Act, 2) recruitment; there was a strategy for recruiting desirable persons to fill in the posts
for highest benefit, 3) development; competency development of administrative
monks in higher education, knowledge enrichment in order to use in Sangha
administration and also developing personnel to have capacity, knowledge,
attitudes and experiences so that they could perform the present positions
efficiently and effectively and to be ready for higher positions and effectiveness of
the organizations, 4) maintenance; appraisal and appointment were done according
to the knowledge and capacity and open opportunity for new coming monks to
show their competency by the good governance.
3. Strategy of administrative monk administration; there should be more
amounts of administrative monks who were competent in duty performance. There
should be empowerment of the duties equally and appropriately by networking
throughout the province with the same direction. Personnel should utilized their
capacities to the fullest along with good conducts in line with Dhamma-Vinaya, with
patience and sacrifice for the security of Buddhism.


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How to Cite

ธมฺมกาโม พ. (2020). BUDDHIST PROPAGATION MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR LIVELIHOOD AND IDENTITY RESTORATION OF MON PEOPLE IN BANGKOK AND VICINITY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 603–618. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/241227