
  • พระเวปุลละ เวปุลฺโล (แสงสว่าง)


Form, building faith


The article researches this , be documentary research studied information
document data, publication, and interviewing who concerned, the researcher has
studied and follow 3 objective ; (1) to study a faith principle in the Buddhism, (2) to
study the practice mode of Phra Rajpariyatyakorn (Boonrueang Sãrato), (3) to
study the format faith in the Buddhism follows Phrarajpariyatyakorn (Boonrueang
The result revealed that, in Buddha's lifetime the way to created the
faith, Buddha created the applied faith suitable for geographical environment, the
historical society, and each different local tradition, such as to maneuver in
choosing the party, wait for opportunity etc., in order to create happiness for all
being, for mass people, for helping the world. Buddha has disciple priest as the
main strength to create the faith in the Buddhism, the majority of the Buddhist
disciple priests are good practice, and adherence to moral gained practices, then
can efficiently create faith in the Buddhism, Buddhism has widespread until now.
Phrarajpariyatyakorn (Boonrueang Sãrato) have mode of interesting
practices, who a Buddhist theology and abbot in northeast of Thailand, especially
in Ubon Ratchathani and close provinces. He had the complete property in creating
faith with the sacrifice etc., Furthermore, be profoundly omniscient what he teach,
manifest the format and approach to teaching with the good model, give an advise
and teach others on omniscient virtue morality as his duty in the Buddhist priest,
help all the people from doing wrong, doing good with friendship and sympathy,
construction and renovation of temples, education aids, public aids.
Besides, he have building format believes in lifting instance from the
experience directly your, tale narration, the comparison with compare, using way
exemplifies, using language that is appropriate person behave to practice the
dharma, which, be the format has that you uses to become to your identity is that
has the accordance and way Buddha in the instruction that inherit come to
actually, at can lead seize apply in the way of life well.


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How to Cite

เวปุลฺโล (แสงสว่าง) พ. . (2020). STYLE BUILDING CONFIDENCE IN BUDDHISM FOLLOW THE PHRA RAJPARIYATYAKORN (BOONRUEANG SÃRATO). Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 577–590. retrieved from