Leadership, Suppurisadhamma, Sub-district Administration OrganizationAbstract
The objectives of this research were : 1) to study the leadership by
Suppurisadhamma of the administrator in Tangkhwang sup-district administrative
organization Waengnoi district Khonkaen province, 2) to compare the leadership by
Suppurisadhamma of the administrator in Tangkhwang sup-district administrative
organization Waengnoi district Khonkaenprovinceclassified by personal factors and
3) to study the problems, obstacles and suggestions aboutleadershipby
Suppurisadhamma of the administrator in Tangkhwang sup-district administrative
organization Waengnoi district Khonkaen province. This research was a mixed methodsresearchof the qualitative and
quantitative researches. The quantitative research was conducted by studying the
samples of 367 respondents which selected by stratified random sampling of
4,407 persons who were populaceoflocal government in Tangkhwang sub-district
Waengnoi district Khonkaen province. The sample size derived from the Kreicie and
Morgan’s formula. The tool used for data collection was 5 levels rating scale
questionnaire at reliability level of 0.912. Statistics used to analyze data were
frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, One Way Analysis of
Variance and Least Significant Different: LSD. The quantitative research was
conducted by In-depth interviewing the 7 key informants who were selected by
purposive sampling. Data analyzingwasusedcontent analysis technique.
The research findings were as follows:
1) The leadership by Suppurisadhamma of the leadership by
Suppurisadhamma of the administrator in Tangkhwang sup-district administrative
organization Waengnoi district Khonkaenprovincein overall was at high level. After
considering each side found thatknowing oneself aspect and knowing how to be
temperateaspectwere at medium level, knowing the cause aspect, knowing the
consequence aspect, knowing how to choose and keep time aspect, knowing the
society aspect and knowing the different individuals aspect were at height level.
2) The comparisonof populace opinions towardsleadership by
Suppurisadhamma of the administrator in Tangkhwang sup-district administrative
organization Waengnoi district Khonkaenprovinceseparated by different factors of
each person found that the samplesthatwereage different weredifferent opinions at
0.05. But for other factors, their opinions were not different.
3) The problems andobstaclesofleadership by suppurisadhamma of the
administrator in Tangkhwang sup-district administrative organization Waengnoi
district Khonkaenprovincewere 1) the leader lacked competency to apply the
management principle for administration, 2) populace lacked participation
evaluation and suggestion for administration. The suggestionswere 1) there should
be leadership development and increasing the competency of administrators and
2) there should be opportunities for public participation.
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