
  • พระมหาณัฐพงษ์ ฐิตปญฺโญ (นาคถ้ำ) ฐิตปญฺโญ (นาคถ้ำ)


The main objectives of this research are :- (1) to study the model of
Dhamma Propagation of monks in Buddhism scripture; (2) to study the model of
Dhamma Propagation of Phradhammangkalajarn (Tong Sirimangkalo); and (3) to
present the model Dhamma Propagation of Phradhammangkalajarn (Tong
Sirimangkalo). A qualitative research method was adopted, whereby the researcher
collected and analyzed data through descriptive interpretation from relevant
documents, and in-depth interviews conducted with 25 individuals, including
experts and non-experts.
The result shows that:
1. There are 8 types of Dhamma Propagation in Buddhist scripture :-
(1) the Dhamma representation model; (2) the admirable behavior model; (3) the
follower model; (4) the original teachings and religious revolution model; (5) the
reformed teachings model; (6) the miracle use model; (7) the local tradition
adaption model; and (8) the personality use model. These Dhamma Propagation
models have drawn the attention of a significant number of the population to
Buddhism, by which Buddhism has thrived unto present day.
2. The model of Dhamma Propagation of Phradhammangkalajarn (Tong
Sirimangkalo) is a combination of models of disseminating Buddhism of monks in
the previous Buddhist era and monks of the new era. The model emphasizes the
very key principles of Buddhism, and how to encourage individuals to ordain as
monks. It adopts modern means of communication and media to help disseminate
Buddhism. Monks, the use of Buddhist teachings, religious objects, and other forms
of communication, propagate Dhamma, which have drawn the wide respect and
acceptance of individuals locally, and internationally. 3. The model of Dhamma Propagation of Phradhammangkalajarn (Tong
Sirimangkalo) benefits Buddhism and society in many ways. The population and
monks themselves would have the expectation that monks in the future apply
those methods and models into Dhamma Propogation, as they are adapted and
suited to the modern World. Additionally, there are four other models that monks
can adopt and consider in Dhamma Propogation: - (1) the religious person model;
(2) the Buddhist teachings model; (3) the religious object model; and (4) the
religious service model. In the future, the aforementioned models will benefit
Buddhism Propagation and society at large.


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How to Cite

ฐิตปญฺโญ (นาคถ้ำ) พ. ฐ. (นาคถ้ำ). (2020). THE MODEL OF DHAMMA PROPAGATION OF PHRADHAMMANGKALAJARN (TONG SIRIMANGKALO). Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 535–550. retrieved from