
  • พระครูปลัดสราวุธ ฐิตปญฺโญ




Objectives of this research were to; 1. Study the components of
monastery development for community learning center, 2. Study general conditions
of monastery development for community learning centers in Cholburi Province
and 3. Propose models to develop monasteries for community learning centers in
Cholburi Province
Methodology was the mixed methods. The qualitative method collected
data from document and in-depth-interviewing 20 key informants and analyzed
data by content analysis and descriptive interpretation and then used the findings
to form a basic model for monastery development and then submitted the basic
model to 12 participants in focus group discussion to confirm the model. The
quantitative method collected data from stratified 371 samples who were monks in
Cholburi Province by using questionnaires with reliability score at 0.981, analyzed
data with descriptive statistics; frequency, percentile, mean and standard deviation.
Findings were as follows:
1. Components of monastery development for community learning
center were 1) community learning center supporting lifelong and flexible
education in ;line with people’s needs, 2) activities leading to critical and
systematic thinking for problem solving, promoting community with activities for
joint learning and thinking together to solve any conflicts occurring in the
community, 3) services promoting information learning for people who came for
the services, 4) center for tradition, culture and folk wisdom learning and
community identity, 5) community learning center that is pleasant with green, clean
and comfortable environment, 6) virtual learning network by promoting virtual
community learning center with digital technology, opening opportunity for people
to access information through internet.
2. General conditions of monastery development for community learning
center in Cholburi Province were that abbots had big roles in monastery
administration in all areas; administration, religion education, Buddhism propagation,
construction and renovation, education promotion and public welfares. The abbots
must perform these duties to the fullest effectiveness for the benefits of Sangha
Oder as well as laity and people in the community. The survey indicated that
monks in Cholburi Province had opinions towards the six areas of Sangha
administration at high level with the mean of 3.44. Classifying by each areas; the administration, Buddhism propagation and construction and renovation were at high
level and another areas were at average level.
3. Models for monastery development for community learning center in
Cholburi Province consisted of 6 models; Model 1: community wisdom center
promoting novices and monks to have high education with good conduct,
promoting villager wise men to share their tacit knowledge in community
development. Model 2: problem solving activities by promoting novices and monks
and people for self development according to Sila, Samadhi and Panya principles.
Dhamma practice center should be set up for morality training so that people will
have chances to train themselves regularly for the peace of minds. Model 3:
technological learning center for supporting Buddhist media publication, for training
monks and laity to use the proper media and Buddhism knowledge dissemination
through various media. Model 4: art and culture learning center promoting monks
and lay people to understand, appreciate and publicize local art and culture. Local
art and culture as well as Buddhism promotion activities should be set up regularly,
especially on the important days in Buddhism. Model 5: folk way learning center by
setting up community libraries in monasteries with Buddhism-based knowledge
textbooks, mobile libraries, local folk wisdom museum to collect and display the
valueless property of the community. Model 6: learning center network connecting
monasteries, communities, villagers and government agencies to form community
learning centers in monasteries.


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How to Cite

ฐิตปญฺโญ พ. . (2020). MONASTERY DEVELOPMENT FOR COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTERS IN CHONBURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 505–522. retrieved from