Thammaracha, Thammaracha in Thai society, Thammaracha style in Thai societyAbstract
The objective of this research were 1) to study of Dhammarãjã In
Buddhism, 2) to study analyze of Dhammarãjã of Kings, the great of Thailand and
3) to analyze and propose a model of Dhammarãjã
related materials. In this research, data were analyzed by means of inductive and
descriptive interpretation based on five sociological theories: 1) Structural-function
theory, 2) Exchange theory, 3) Utility theory, 4) Conflict theory and 5)
Phenomenological theory.
The research findings were found as follows: The research findings were
found as follows: 1. The concept of Dhammarãjã to appear in Theravãda Buddhism
can be divided into the concept and religious model basically mean the Buddha
who ruled Sangha through Dhamma and the concept and pattern of the world
mean the leader or ruler who governs the country 2. Dhammarãjã in Thai society
was influenced by By Ashoka the Great was a master of the Kings to create Attahitasampatti
(accomplishment of his welfare) and Parahita-patipatti (practice for welfare
of his people). As regards the matter, in Thai society, there are 4 characteristics
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