
  • พระมหานิพนธ์ วีรพโล (ทบแก้ว)


factors influencing, administration, the organization of active saving group, the strength of the economics of the community


The thesis entitled “Factors influencing the administration on the active
saving group organization for strengthening the economics of the community,
Rayong province” had objectives as following: to explore the administration on the
organization of active saving group for strengthening the economics of the
community, Rayong province, and to present the factors, to study factors
influencing the administration on the active saving group organization for
strengthening the economics of the community, Rayong province.
The results of this research found that:
Most participants who complete the questionaires are female, average age 31-40
years old, highest education level is primary highschool, Fund savings associated
with the truth employees, average salary per month 5,000-10,000 Baht, duration
being a member of the group 1-5 years. Each participlants rated the scale in the
questionaires. Overall, most participants rated “much”. To consider each domain of
questionnaire, most participants rated the scale “much”. The domain virtues
conducive to benefits in the present or virtues leading to temporal welfare, most
participants rated “much”. To consider each components of the virtues conducive
to benefits in the present, the component which was rated “very much” is
balanced livelihood or living economically, and the other three components which
were rated “much” are to be endowed with energy and industry; achievement of
diligence, to be endowed with watchfulness; achievement of protection and good
company; association with good people. The domain of Gharàvàsa-dhamma or
virtues for a good household life; rules of household conduct; qualities of a good
layman was rated “much”. To consider each components of Gharavasa-dhamma, it
was found that there are three components rated “very much”: Sacca: truth and
honesty, Dama: taming and training oneself; adjustment; self-development, Khanti:
tolerance; forbearance; perseverance, and the components rated “much” is Càga:
liberality; generosity.
In the test of hypothesis that personal factors influencing individual interest
in factors influencing the administration on the organization of active saving group
for strengthening the economics of the community, Rayong province, it was found
that factors: gender, the relationship with the saving group and the salary influence

the interest in factors influencing the administration on the organization of active
saving group for strengthening the economics of the community, Rayong province,
significantly at the level of significant 0.05. Factors: age, education level, period of
being membership have no influence on the administration on the organization of
active saving group in this study. The relation between the strength of the
economics of the community and the administration on the organization of active
saving group is high, the multiple relation coefficients is 0.676. The factor related to
the strength of the economics of the community can be used to prodict the
administration on the organization in this study at 44.9 percentage. There are two
indicators influence the strength of the economics of the community significantly at
the level of significant 0.05: to promote the one stop service of academic and to
promote the media for social and the connection for business. The indicators which
have no influence on the strength of the economics of the community are as
following: to promote the growth of community network, to adjust the method of
establishment mutual fund for community and the budget, the research and
assessment. It was also found that virtues conducive to benefits in the present
influence the administration on the organization of active saving group for
strengthening the economics of the community, Rayong province. The multiple
regression coefficients of the relation between the virtues conducive to benefits in
the present and the administration on the organization in this study is 0.611. The
factor can be used to predict the administration on the organization in this study at
36.6 percentage. The three components of the domain virtues conducive to
benefits in the present, which are significantly influence the administration at the
level of significant 0.05: are to be endowed with energy and industry; achievement
of diligence, to be endowed with watchfulness; achievement of protection and
good company; association with good people. The relation between the four
Gharavasa-dhamma and the administration on the organization of active saving
group is low, the multiple correlation coefficients is 0.450. This factor can be used
to predict the administration on the organization in this study at 19.4 percentage.


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เข้มแข็งของชุมชนจังหวัดตราด. วิทยานิพนธ์ปริญญาปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต. สาขาวิชา
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ของเศรษฐกิจชุมชนในพื้นที่ภาคกลางของประเทศไทย. วิทยานิพนธ์รัฐประศาสนศาสตร
ดุษฎีบัณฑิต. สาขาวิชารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์. บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย: มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏวไลย
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ทุนนิยม : กรณีศึกษา. รายงานวิจัย. ศูนย์พุทธศาสน์ศึกษา จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย.



How to Cite

วีรพโล (ทบแก้ว) พ. . (2020). FACTORS AFFECTING THE MANAGEMENT OF SAVINGS PLEDGE FUND TO THE ECONOMIC STRENGTH OF COMMUNITIES IN RAYONG PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 457–474. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/241127