
  • พระครูปลัดเถรานุวัตร


Promotion of Strength, Development Monks, Lower North Region


The objectives of the research were: (1) to study the generality in working
of the development monks in lower North region, (2) to study the factors
influencing the strength of the development monks in lower North region, and (3)
to present the promotion of the strength the development monks in lower North
The methodology was the Qualitative Research focusing on the
promotion of the strength the development monk in lower North region. The
qualitative research collected data from 25 key informants by In-Depth interview
and the Focus Group Discussions with 9 experts. The tools of the research were
questionnaire and the record in the focus group discussion.
The findings were as follows:
1. The generality in working of the development monks in lower North
region was divided in 5 aspects: 1) the group of the developers propagating the
practice in Vipassana-Kammatthan (Insight Meditation), 2) the group of the
developers focusing on the development of life and society, 3) the group of the
development monks focusing on making the peaceful society, 4) the group of the
educational management and 5) the group of the government monks. The
development monk network functioned in the Buddhist propagation, helping and
developing the communities in the mind and living. Moreover, the development
monks had the 7 necessary characteristics in working : 1) having the mutual
recognition of perspectives, 2) having the mutual vision, 3) having the mutual
benefit and interest, 4) the participation of the monks widely, 5) having the
promotion process each other, 6) the dependency together, and 7) the exchange
2. The factors influencing the strengthening of the development monks
in lower North region were the theory of POSDCORB : planning, organizing, staffing,
directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting, and the Suppurisadhamma :
knowing causes, knowing results, knowing oneself, knowing moderation, knowing
occasion, knowing company and knowing person for the working of the
development monks efficiently. Moreover, the development monks worked with
the principles in working, knew their own state of the knowledge, expert,
capabilities and others, commanded and assigned the work or administrated the
work suitable to the work, value, and demand of the people. Therefore, the human
or people was the important factor for the development. The people must havethe knowledge, capability, necessary basic skills, generous characteristic, readiness
in fight to themselves and society, readiness in working, and readiness in progress
for the life of the people.
3. The development monks divided the development into 5 aspects :
1) the government development with the principles of the Dhamma-Vinaya, 2) the
propagation development of the Vipassana meditation focusing on the happiness in
access to the Dhamma with the consciousness and wisdom, 3) the development
of the life and society with the principles of Buddhism, 4) the development
focusing on making the peace to the society, transferring the principles of Dhamma
through the media, and 5) the development of secular education and Dhamma
education. The development monks synthesized the principles of the working from
the theory of POSDCORB and applied the Suppurisadhamma for the working to
promote the strength. It made the work more efficient. Moreover, it was the
principle of the life quality development of the people, made the strength to the
development monks for the concrete working ways, had the regulation in the
working, had the obvious goal, and accepted the new things or change.


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How to Cite

พระครูปลัดเถรานุวัตร. (2020). PROMOTION OF STRENGTHENING THE DEVELOPMENT MONK FOR DRIVING THE DEVELOPMENT IN LOWER NORTH REGION. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 425–438. retrieved from