
  • พระครูถาวรกิจจารักษ์


Approach to enhance performance, Factors contributing to the duty, preceptor


This research article with the purpose of the research. 1) to study the
action of a preceptor in Buddhism. 2) to study the problems and obstacles in the
functioning of the Preceptor of the province. And 3) to study ways of enhancing
performance. And environmental factors contributing to the performance of the
preceptor. This research is qualitative research. Study Documents With interviews
and field research. Focus group discussion 43 / person, and then analyzed. And
presented the findings to portray.
The research found that Preceptor ordination must be discipline. And
regulatory Sangha Association Then, when the ordination Training must take care
Sattiwiharik The duties of the preceptor must have understood the abuse Janet
Janet. And suspension of duties And condemned Sattiwiharik Current social
conditions have changed. The problems increase Selection of a good son to his
ordination. Do not make clear good son to recite Kannac not ordained. The ritual is
not yet valid After ordination, then preceptor training time to educate Sattiwiharik
care. The abbot assigned to oversee the issuance of net books. Sending account
Sattiwiharik Preceptor some amateurish in the document.
Approach to enhance performance and environmental factors contributing
to the performance of the preceptor. The preceptor training required to care.
Refined demeanor The ruling by the Book of Discipline. Rules of the Supreme
Sangha Providing relief and care Sattiwiharik Aanetwasik when ill. As well as
provide relief Buddhists With the principles of life and living in the four factors
should be evaluated. And monitoring the performance of the preceptor later. And
conducted workshops to educate periodically to perform the duties of a preceptor
more effective in the modern era has changed.


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How to Cite

พระครูถาวรกิจจารักษ์. (2020). WAYS FOR EMPOWERMENT AND ITS SUPPORTIVE FACTORS IN PRECEPTORS’ PERFORMANCE OF DUTY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 399–406. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/241048