The main purposes of this research were to study the application of Trai Sikkha for
desirable students moral behavior development and to compare an application of
Trai Sikkha for desirable student moral behavior development, classified by
personal factors and to study the problems and obstacles of an application of Trai
Sikkha for desirable students moral behavior development.The survey research was used for this study. Data analysis was
conducted by the statistical software program for social science research. Statistics
used in the analysis consisted of frequency, mean, percentage and standard
deviation (S.D.) The analysis was also done through t-test for analysis the
hypotheses in order to test the average difference between the two groups and ftest
(One-way ANOVA) for testing the difference between the averages from three
or more groups. The significant difference was noted at .05 level.
The results of the research are as follows :1) Most of the samples or 53.25 percent are men. 45.45 percent have
age between 21-30 years old. 72.73 percent are single. 42.86 percent study in one
class bachelor degree. 45.45 percent have income per month less than 5,000 baht.
2) The overall the application of Trai Sikkha for desirable student
moral behavior development at Wat Phraborommathat Academic Service Unit in
Kamphaeng Phet Province were in high level ( = 4.138). When considering in
each aspect, it was found that in high level at all aspects by most intelligence
(Panya Sikkha) ( =4.158) followed by a meditation (Samathi Sikkha) (= 4.140) and
the precepts (Sila Sikkha) ( = 4.115). This shows that students have the
application of Trai Sikkha for desirable moral behavior development focus on
intelligence and meditation while behave in Precept less than the other, although
in fact it was in real high level.
3) The comparison of the application of Trai Sikkha for desirable
student moral behavior development at Wat Phraborommathat Academic Service
Unit in Kamphaeng Phet Province, classified by personal factors are sex, age, status,
level of education and income per month. The results of hypothesis test are found
that the factors that make accepted the formulated hypotheses such as level of
education and income per month as a whole were found statistically significantdifferent at .05 level and the factors that make such as sex, age and status as a
whole were not found different, it rejected the formulated hypotheses. This shows
that level of education and income per month were contribute to cause of the
application of Trai Sikkha for desirable student moral behavior development.
4) The problems and obstacles of the application of Trai Sikkha for
desirable student moral behavior development. It was found that; Precept Shikkha
(Sila Sikkha); The students don’t respect the rules of the university, they are not
honest, they tell lies, show bad manners, lack of virtue and courtesy. Meditation
Sikkha (Samathi Sikkha); The students are lazy to study, lack of responsibility, lack
of courage in various expressions. They are not patience to work in the classroom.
They ignore to study and work. Wisdom Sikkha (Punya Sikkha); The students show
bad manner about ideas, beliefs, attitudes, values and morality. They are selfish
and lazy to get more knowledges.
5. Recommendation; the application of Trai Sikkha for desirable
student moral behavior development. It was found that; Precept Shikkha (Sila
Sikkha); The University should build the conscious mind, value mind to get them
have respect strict doing in the university. The university should suggest them and
train them to have good manner, good doing, politeness, courtesy, honesty and
virtue in their bodies and minds, campaign, encourage, implant and help them for
leading to the moral precept using in everyday life. Meditation Sikkha (Samathi
Sikkha); The University should practice and train student toke patience, implant
them to try to study, to concentrate and toke brave about showing good express.
They should be generous, kind, helpful and friendly. Wisdom Sikkha (Punya Sikkha);
The University should encourage the students to have good ideas, beliefs, attitudes,
values and train them to consider with carefulness. The University should teach
and tell them to have wish well to other, to crate thinking, to help friend and not
toke selfish, but should be active to study and love to find more knowledge.
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