
  • Gomes Kwanmuang Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


the principle of the supremacy of the constitution, the principle of the hierarchy of laws, the principle of the constitutionality of laws


In the society’s lawyers, public law, was generally accepted that constitutionalism was considered both constitution establishment to enforce the administration of the country. Also, the constitution itself established systematic legal system. At the same time, in the midst of that state, there were many types of laws. The constitution of each state must be established along with the principle of the hierarchy of laws. The result of the main legal hierarchy caused continuous sub-principles. As a result, it was considered that the law was more important or higher law. It had legal class above the law of subordinate law. If the secondary law contained provisions being contrary to or inconsistent with the Constitution, the provisions of the law shall be unenforceable due to being voided. To comply with the implementation; the supremacy of the Constitution and the constitutional inclination, the Constitution of each country created an organization that protected the supremacy of the Constitution. The established organization inspected the principle of the Constitutionality and reviewed whether the provisions of the law that the legislature enacted were contrary to or inconsistent with the Constitution. What is the format of particular model of this organization inevitably, there were a number of different types. It depended on the defined constitutional law system of each country.


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How to Cite

Kwanmuang, G. (2020). THE SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 9(3), 305–316. retrieved from