Development, Potential, Moral Teaching MonkAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to study the factor affecting to the moral teaching monk’s potential development of Sangha in region 1 and guideline for moral teaching monk’s potential development of Sangha in region 1.with the mixed research methods The quantitative method collected data from 240 samples and analyzed the data by using the exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The qualitative research conducted by in-depth interviewing 18 key informants and focus group discussion with 12 participants, analyzed the data by content analysis and descriptive interpretation. The findings were as follows: The factors affecting the moral teaching monk’s potential development of Sangha in region 1 were human resource development and Sikkhā that had direct, indirect and combined influences on potential development of Sangha in region 1. The guidelines for potential development of Sangha in region 1 were: 1) Human resource development included ongoing training, providing the further education and developing the modern teaching skills, 2) Sikkhā included complying with the rules, training the mind for peace and Bhāvanā, 3) The potential principles included developing the capacity for creating a new knowledge, developing the modern teaching skills and having love and faith in being the moral teaching monks.
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