Capacity Development, Abbots, Sangha Affaires AdministrationAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to study the abbot's performance, study the components of abbots’ capacity development and to propose the approaches for the abbots’ capacity development. Methodology was the mixed methods. Findings were as follows: the abbot's performance were that: The abbot had the ability to organize the well-being of those monks, novices and dwellers, there were Dhamma and Pali studies, there was pro-active campaign. there was fund raising, scholarship, teaching materials. there were Sangha-Pracha Support Funds, Sajja-Saving Fund and Well-being Fund. The component of the abbots’ capacities consisted of: 1) Focus on the achievement of the abbot. 2) Good services; attention to the convenience. 3) Study for knowledge to be able to apply. 4) Work as the team, 5) Adhere to righteousness. And the approaches to the abbots’ capacities development were that: Abbots should be carried out by training, seminar, systematic structure as working framework for administration. Good services; abbots should hold regular meetings to exchange opinions and study tours to gain more new experiences for helping people effectively. Experience exchange for more practicalities. Creating attractive atmosphere for working, activities for happy working and good morale. Development should emphasize the abbots to abide by the Sangha’s rules and regulations of Sangha Order to support and develop the abbots to have good attitudes for duties responsibility.
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