The Promotion Pattern Of Behavior To Avoid The Consumption Of Alcohol Of The University Students’ Rajabhatrattanakosin Group


  • นางสาวภาณุกา ศิริบำรุงวงศ์


behavior to avoid; the consumption of alcohol; Rajabhat Rattanakosin Group


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the causal variables and factors that affect the promotion pattern of behavior to avoid the consumption of
alcohol of the university students’ Rajabhat Rattanakosin Group, 2) create the model to support the appropriate of following under the promotion pattern of
behavior to avoid the consumption of alcohol of the university students’ Rajabhat Rattanakosin Group and 3) implement and evaluate this model in Rajabhat
Rattanakosin Group. The sampling group of university students Rajabhat Rattanakosin Results of the research were as follows: It was found that the model
was in congruence with the empirical evidence because the causal variables showed that influence student behavior, prevent the consumption of alcohol
among students, university period. According to the export and the workshop, the model for enforcing the measures of compliance with the behavior to avoid the
consumption of alcohol of the university students’ Rajabhat Rattanakosin Group Consisted of 7 activities. And After the implementation of the model, the result
indicated that more students followed the measures of compliance than more before the implementation at statistical significant on 0.05 level by the Multivariate
Test and Univariate Test.


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How to Cite

ศิริบำรุงวงศ์ น. . (2020). The Promotion Pattern Of Behavior To Avoid The Consumption Of Alcohol Of The University Students’ Rajabhatrattanakosin Group. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 185–196. retrieved from