
  • สุกัญญา รอบจังหวัด สิริวัฒน์ ศรีเครือดง ประยูร สุยะใจ


The objectives of the study  were 1) to study the concepts of nursing ethics in Buddhism and nurse’s professional ethics; 2) to create a model of nursing ethics development based on Buddhist  Psychology; and 3) to experiment the application of a model of nursing ethics development based on Buddhist  Psychology. The study was a quasi-experimental research in nature, conducting a study in the form of Two Group Pretest-Post test Design. The samples of the study included 56 nursing students of Boromarajjonani College of Nursing, Saraburi divided into 28 for a control group and 28 for an experimental group. Tools of the study included Ethics Measurement in nursing students and the model of nursing ethics development based on Buddhist Psychology containing the package of activities. Statistics for analyzing data comprised Frequency, Percentage, Mean ( ), Standard Deviation (S.D.) and Paired-t-test.

            The results of the study were as follows:

  1. In respect of the concepts of nursing ethics in Buddhism and nurse’s professional ethics it found that nursing was the profession developed from the ethical realization of human being toward nursing profession focusing the physical, mental, emotional and social help of people based on self-morals of loving-kindness, compassion, patience, devotion, responsibility and judgment, seeing the holistic problem and making decision based on the ethics.
  2. With respect to the creation of a model of nursing ethics development based on Buddhist  Psychology it revealed that it was internal ethics, viz., ethical knowledge, thinking, feeling, good deed, attitude and belief as well as ethical logics including ethical behavior, ethical characteristics referring to an experience coming up with an intellectual development changing as situations, and the external ethic characteristics was logical and related to personal and social peace and happiness.
  3. Regarding the experiment of applying a model of nursing ethics development based on Buddhist  Psychology it found that the ethical value of participants after participating in the activities was higher than before in all aspects especially in honesty, following regulations of profession and being resourceful to ethical problems of living and working in the field and finally in the aspect of encouraging patients to realize their own rights and how to protect their own rights without any violations. In conclusion, generally the model could have developed the nursing ethics with a statistical significance at .05.


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How to Cite

ประยูร สุยะใจ ส. ร. ส. . ศ. (2017). A MODEL OF NURSING ETHICS DEVELOPMENT BASED ON BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-05), 195–204. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/239810