
  • พรรณราย อักษรถึง, อรพินทร์ ชูชม, นำชัย ศุภฤกษ์ชัยสกุล


The objective of this research was to construct and develop a scale of proactive work behavior. Data were collected by using 17- item proactive work behavior scale with 534 Civil Servants, work in plan and policy Agency under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The proactive work behavior scale was considered for its content validity by academic experts and its reliability was 0.90.  The results of confirmatory factor analysis found that proactive work behavior had 3 factors (Individual innovation, Taking Charge, & Problem prevention). The convergent validity and construct reliability of this scale were accepted. The construct reliabilities were 0.67, 0.85 and  0.82 for each factor.


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How to Cite

นำชัย ศุภฤกษ์ชัยสกุล พ. อ. อ. ช. (2017). DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF A SCALE OF PROACTIVE WORK BEHAVIOR. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-05), 115–128. retrieved from