Decision-making Ability in Science of Mathayom Suksa 3 Students Taught Through Yonisomanasikan Approach.


  • พระทวีศักดิ์ แดงขาวเขียว สุทธิกัญจน์ ทิพยเกษร Faculty of Education , Chaingmai University


Decision-Making Ability; Yonisomanasikan Approach; Achievement; Mathayom Suksa 3 Students


The purposes of this research study were 1) to study the Decision-making ability in science of mathayom suksa 3 students taught through Yonisomanasikan Approach and  2) to study the science learning achievement of mathayom suksa 3 students taught through Yonisomanasikan Approach. The population of this study was 29 mathayom suksa 3 students of Phrapariyattidhamma Prajaotonluang school, Banghong District, Lamphun Province during the second semester of the academic year 2016. The instruments used in this study consisted of 1) Learning management plans taught through Yonisomanasikan Approach on the topic of Environmental and Resource  2) The Decision-making ability in science test and 3) The science learning achievement test on the topic of  Environmental and Resource. Statistics used in          the data analysis included mean, mean of percentage and standard deviation by using computer program. Research findings were as follows :

  1. The average of decision-making ability in science post-test score of the students taught through Yonisomanasikan Approach was higher than that of pre-test ones.
  2. The average of science learning achievement post-test score on the topic of Environmental and Resource of the students taught through Yonisomanasikan Approach was higher than that of pre-test ones.


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How to Cite

สุทธิกัญจน์ ทิพยเกษร พ. . แ. (2017). Decision-making Ability in Science of Mathayom Suksa 3 Students Taught Through Yonisomanasikan Approach. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-05), 83–100. retrieved from