The Development of Model Using Temples Area in Commercial Gain With Moralist Process, Northeast of Thailand


  • พระอธิการสุพจน์ ศรีปัญญา I Phra Athikarn Supoj Sripanya นิสิตปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาวัฒนธรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม


Using Temples Area in Commercial Gain,Moralist Process


Objectives of this research were; 1) To study the historical background using temples area in commercial gain. 2) To study present condition and problem using temples area in commercial gain, northeast of Thailand. 3) To the development

of model using temples area in commercial gain with moralist process, northeast of Thailand. Data were collected from documents and related research by observations, surveys, and interviews. Use the tools that are involved. And that does not take part structured interview unstructured interviews and discussion groups verify accuracy of data using triangulation techniques, presented by means of a descriptive analysis.

The results of the research

The history of the using temples area in commercial gain there are general origin feudal, origin feudal in Thailand the ecclesiastical law, the reign of the first (2325), the law governing ecclesiastical nature Rs 121 (2445), Act governing ecclesiastical nature Rs 121 (2545), Sangha Act 2484, Using Torani-Song are Sangha Act 2505, Using Torani-Song are Sangha Act 2505, amended 2535, and The ecclesiastical law and the specific management measures on the regulatory Sangha Association. History and using Torani-Song are in 6 temples including Wat Bueng, Wat Sakae, Wat Pratummachat, Wat Chaisamkho, Wat Klang, and Wat Thaksinawat. In the area using Torani-Song is Buddhist shrinearea, Monastery area and Profits area.


The present conditions and problem using temples area in commercial gain northeast of Thailand find the temples are 5 categories was townhome for rent, space rental, parking lots. Crematorium and school in the management temples are 8 aspects were who, what, capital, environment, low ethics, process, output and problem. The problem using temples are was townhome for rent including the private rented at a lower price than the general stomach and rent it to someone else to rent the place. Parking lots including those who refused to pay the parking fee and the argument that takes moment. Crematorium including the temple in town is not enough space to service. School including activities is teaching not as intense as the public schools.

The development of model using temples area in commercial gain with moralist process, northeast of Thailand there are 5 categories in the use of temples are for private must focus on the merit of donation, Sila and Development sue temples are for more management in commercial. The aim is to reward or result is a state of mind and they are taking shelter during a private for using temples are

In summary the development of model sing temples area in commercial gain with moralist process, northeast of Thailand in management for townhome for rent, space rental, parking lots. Crematorium and school. Based on 2 concepts : The commercial exploitation and the use of quality of life, which will see the benefit in quality of life caused merit over the popular commercial exploitation


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How to Cite

I Phra Athikarn Supoj Sripanya พ. ศ. (2017). The Development of Model Using Temples Area in Commercial Gain With Moralist Process, Northeast of Thailand. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-05), 37–50. retrieved from