5 Year Teacher Education Curriculum Administration, The Effectiveness of 5 year Teacher Education Curriculum AdministrationAbstract
The research aimed to study the factors influencing the effectiveness of the 5-year pedagogic curriculum management and to establish the relationship model of the factors influencing the effectiveness of the 5-year pedagogic curriculum management of the Rajabhat universities. The sample of 500 subjects comprised deans, deputy deans on academic affairs of the faculties of education, and instructors in the 5-year pedagogic programs collected by stratified sampling. The instruments were a focus group discussion and a questionnaire with reliability of 0.98 to collect data which were analyzed in terms of percentage, mean, standard deviation, and path analysis.
The findings:
- The 7 factors influencing the effectiveness of the 5-year pedagogic curriculum management were found: written in descending order of mean scores, the curriculum development, the schooling practices, the curriculum management, the academic faculties, the learning management, the student development activities, and the measurement and evaluation.
- The relationship model of the factors influencing the effectiveness of the 5-year pedagogic curriculum management of the Rajabhat universities conformed to the empirical data with probability 0.052, df 500, and REMSEA 0.016. The causal effects comprised 7 influential factors with the highest direct influences, i.e. the academic faculties 19.24, the student development activities 1.29, the schooling practices of 0.27, the measurement and evaluation of 0.22, the curriculum management 0.10, the learning management -1.16, and the curriculum development -8.13 respectively. For the indirect influences, the curriculum management affected the learning management 22.92, the learning management affected the student development activities 0.95, the curriculum development affected the curriculum management 0.86, and the academic faculties affected the leaning management -18.48.
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